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    Title: 人事人員核心職能與角色之研究—以疫情期間之基層人事人員為例
    A Study on the Core Competencies and Role of Junior Personnel Officers during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Authors: 王裕鈴
    Wang, Yu-Ling
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-Chuan
    Wang, Yu-Ling
    Keywords: 基層人事人員
    core competencies
    junior personnel officers
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:20:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情於2019年底自中國武漢開始散播,2020年年初爆發全球大流行,迄今已有三年的時間。疫情期間,較為大眾熟知的抗疫英雄以在防疫前線的醫護人員、警察人員或是村里幹事人員為主;為確保民眾日常生活需求不受嚴重影響而致力於公務機關內部防疫措施的行政人員包括基層人事人員,往往因為不在防疫前線而未受關注。基層人事人員平常時期為人事法規執行者與把關者,疫情時期則為機關防疫措施的主要執行者。本研究旨在透過次級文獻資料分析與訪談,從行政人員核心職能角度切入,探討疫情時期基層人事人員的角色與職能,以期瞭解行政人員核心職能之訂定是否兼顧平常與非常時期如疫情期間之所需。研究結果發現,基層人事人員平時時期核心職能概念薄弱,亦無接收核心職能相關訓練,所以在疫情時期運用核心職能時有匱乏感,但基層人事人員大部分感受角色從人事管理角色往前人力資源管理角色邁進一大步。建議政府相關單位平常時期在人事行政人員相關訓練與職務上,應擴展多項核心職能訓練課程、簡化基層人事人員職務內容、建立基層人事人員角色認知、改善基層人事人員職務認知,做足準備以應付未來各種挑戰。
    The COVID-19 pandemic had persisted for three years from 2019 to 2022. During this period of time, administrative staff including junior personnel officers working on epidemic prevention measures within government agencies, had often gone unnoticed as they were not on the frontline of the battle against the virus like medical staff and police officers. Junior personnel officers are typically responsible for the enforcement of personnel regulations and act as gatekeepers during normal times. However, during the pandemic, they become the primary executors of epidemic prevention measures within their organizations. This study aims to explore the roles and core competencies of junior personnel officers during the pandemic. Through secondary data analysis and interviews, the research seeks to understand whether the core competencies listed in the government’s training courses for civil officers include the competencies needed by civil officers for preforming their jobs during both normal and extraordinary periods, such as the pandemic. The findings reveal that the concept of core competencies for junior personnel officers is weak during normal times, and they lack relevant training in core competencies. Consequently, there is a sense of inadequacy when applying core competencies during the pandemic. However, many junior personnel officers feel that they have taken a significant step forward from their roles in personnel management to human resources management during this challenging period. This study suggests that government agencies should expand core competencies training courses during normal times. Additionally, simplifying the duties of junior personnel, establishing awareness of their roles, and improving their understanding of job responsibilities are recommended measures to prepare for future challenges.
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