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    Title: 校長分布式領導、教師對校長之信任、教師工作滿意度與組織承諾之關係研究:後設分析取向結構方程模式之應用
    The Relationships among Principals’ Distributed Leadership, Teachers’ Trust in the Principal, Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: An Application of Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling
    Authors: 張雅婷
    Chang, Ya-Ting
    Contributors: 吳政達

    Wu, Cheng-Ta
    Guo, Chao-Yu

    Chang, Ya-Ting
    Keywords: 分布式領導
    distributed leadership
    job satisfaction
    organizational commitment
    Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling
    multiple mediation
    serial mediation
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:18:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討校長分布式領導、教師對校長之信任、教師工作滿意度與組織承諾之關係,並探究教師對校長信任與教師工作滿意度在校長分布式領導與教師組織承諾之間是否具有中介影響及序列中介影響效果。本研究採用後設分析取向之結構方程模式進行兩階段分析,第一階段運用後設分析方法,將40篇期刊文獻資料統合並計算效果量以了解變項間的相關情形;第二階段使用結構方程模式取向路徑分析,以了解變項間的路徑關係並分析中介變項的影響效果。本研究結果如下:一、校長分布式領導、教師對校長之信任、教師工作滿意度與教師組織承諾間之具有正向顯著相關;二、校長分布式領導對教師對校長之信任、教師工作滿意度與教師組織承諾皆具有正向顯著影響;教師對校長之信任對教師工作滿意度與教師組織承諾皆具有正向顯著影響;教師工作滿意度對其組織承諾具有正向顯著影響;三、教師對校長之信任與教師工作滿意度對校長分布式領導與教師組織承諾關係具有中介效果與序列中介效果。最後根據研究結果與結論提出具體建議,以作為教育行政人員以及未來相關研究之參考。
    The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among principals’ distributed leadership, teachers’ trust in the principal, teachers’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Furthermore, the mediating and sequential mediating role of teachers’ trust in the principal and teachers’ job satisfaction in the relationship of principals’ distributed leadership and organizational commitment were examined. This study was conducted via two phases by using Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling (MASEM). In the first stage, Meta-Analysis was used to combine data of 40 journals and calculate the effect size to understand the correlation between variables. In the second stage, path analysis of Structural Equation Modeling was adopted to explore the path relationship between variables and the effect of mediating variables. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Principal’s distributed leadership, teacher’s trust in the principal, teachers’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment are all significantly positively correlated. 2. Principal’s distributed leadership has a positive and significant effect on teacher’s trust in the principal, teachers’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment; teacher’s trust in the principal has a positive and significant effect on teachers’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment; teachers’ job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on teachers’ organizational commitment. 3. Teacher’s trust in the principal and job satisfaction have a mediating effect and a sequential mediating effect in the relationship of principals’ distributed leadership and organizational commitment. Finally, based on the results of the research, suggestions for educational administration staff and further related studies are proposed.
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