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Title: | 大學治理與制度變遷-國立大學校長遴選制度之分析 University Governance and Institutional Change -A Case Study of Presidential Selection of National University |
Authors: | 黃妍甄 Huang, Yen-Chen |
Contributors: | 黃東益 Huang, Tong-Yi 黃妍甄 Huang, Yen-Chen |
Keywords: | 大學治理 制度變遷 國立大學校長遴選 新制度論 歷史制度論 university governance institutional change presidential selection of national university new institutionalism historical institutionalism |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2024-02-01 11:15:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著社會環境的演進,我國高等教育面臨各種影響,驅使我國大學治理有所轉變,更加重視校園成員的多元參與以及意見交流,進而帶動校園內的制度變遷,改變了既有的國立大學校長遴選制度。本研究以歷史制度論為基礎,並採用內容分析法、深度訪談、文獻分析法等多元方法進行交叉驗證,訪談政府人員、專家學者代表、校長遴選委員、校長/副校長與曾參選之候選人,共計26位,以分析我國國立大學校長遴選制度的制度變遷歷程、變遷動力以及影響,並進而爬梳實務運作上的問題與挑戰。 本研究首先系統性地回顧我國國立大學校長遴選制度威權時期至民主時期的發展歷程,了解其動態的歷程,並且說明關鍵事件的脈絡與影響,從中可知民主發展、校園民主、優勢制度的學習與轉型、外在輿論與內在成員的不滿以及行政法人化的推崇等因素是造成制度變遷的多元動力。更進一步則是透過臺灣與美國大學制度之比較,以探悉我國制度在地化之特色,並進而探討我國國立大學校長遴選制度在校長人才的網羅與甄拔、遴選委員的組成、遴選過程等各層面的問題和挑戰。而本研究之成果有助於建構出屬於我國國情的大學治理,了解我國國立大學校長遴選制度之變化,不僅有助於回應公共行政、政治與教育領域之研究缺口,同時,亦可提供制度改革的建議,作為其他大學制度設計與推行的重要參考,藉此提升我國大學治理之效能,強化制度的設計,以達甄拔治校良才之目的,共創良善的大學治理。 Taiwan's higher education landscape is undergoing university governance changes amid societal shifts, marked by an amplified focus on inclusive participation and dialogue among campus stakeholders. This shift extends to the established process of appointing presidents in Taiwan's national universities. This study delves into the presidential selection process, grounded in historical institutionalism, aiming to understand its trajectory, driving forces, and impacts. Employing a triangulation methodology that incorporates content analysis, in-depth interviews, and a thorough literature review, this study involves 26 participants. The participant pool comprises government officials, scholars, and members of the presidential selection committee. It systematically reviews the evolution of the presidential selection system in Taiwan's national universities from the authoritarian to democratic eras, analyzing key events and their contextual influences. The research identifies institutional changes driven by democratic development, campus democratization, transformative dynamics within dominant systems, internal discontent, external opinions, and advocacy for corporatization of university. The study unveils distinctive features of Taiwan's localized institutional landscape through a comparative analysis of Taiwan and U.S. university systems. The study emphasizes challenges related to talent recruitment, committee composition, and the overall selection process. The findings make a valuable contribution to developing a context-specific university governance system. Addressing research gaps in public administration, politics, and education, the study provides recommendations for institutional reforms, serving as a vital reference for designing and implementing effective university systems. Ultimately, it strengthens governance, enhances institutional design, and fosters the selection and cultivation of adept university leaders. |
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