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    Title: 一個移工的誕生:以傅柯生命權力觀點探究
    Birth of Migrant Workers: Reflection from Foucault’s Perspective of Bio-Power
    Authors: 林蕙心
    Lin, Hui-Hsin
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Liu, Mei-Chun
    Lin, Hui-Hsin
    Keywords: 外籍家庭看護
    Foreign caregivers
    Michel Foucault
    Disciplinary power
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:14:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文以傅柯生命權力(bio-power)為理論基礎,試圖建構外籍家庭看護與台灣家庭雇主、仲介和國家間的權力互動,發現台灣三方確實運用傅柯筆下的規訓(discipline)和生命政治(biopolitics)手段對勞動力進行管理,藉以剝離個體的政治價值與經濟價值,打造出吻合台灣人心中「順服且具生產力」的合格勞動力。此也坐實了本文論點:Covid-19期間對特定群體的權力施展,並非異常狀態下的特殊型態;外籍家庭看護在生命權力的狀態裡完成勞動,實屬常態。

    Based on Foucault’s perspective of bio-power, this study described the power relations between foreign caregivers, employers, brokers, and the state. It found that local people and the government indeed manage foreign caregivers by means of disciplinary power and biopolitics. As a result, foreign caregivers are denied of social rights while their economic contribution is exploited. Ultimately, being docile and productive, migrant workers are considered to be qualified labor force but deprived of the chance to pursue higher social status. This study also supports the argument of this article: Control measures adopted during Covid-19 pandemic are not exceptional practices because bio-power operates on a daily basis and affects the labor process of foreign caregivers all the time.

    Furthermore, this article also argued that Covid-19 pandemic perfects the power mechanism. On the one hand Covid-19 pandemic temporarily contributed the agency to foreign caregivers for resisting power, but on the other hand it provides the state with the opportunity which could modify tactics to enhance disciplinary power. While new strategies were widely implemented, it would prevent foreign caregivers from owning rights. Simultaneously, they are thought of as “workers”, not “people”. At last, this study suggested that “subjectivity” and “empowerment” are the solutions to bio-power and dominance.
    Reference: 壹、英文文獻
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