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    Title: 臺南市立圖書館新總館樂齡讀者空間設備使用與滿意度研究
    Study on Use and Satisfaction of Building and Facilities by Senior Readers of Tainan Public Library
    Authors: 周晉憶
    Chou, Chin-I
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei-Ling
    Chou, Chin-I
    Keywords: 樂齡族
    Older adults
    Satisfaction level
    Public library
    Library services to older adults
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-01-02 15:40:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自1993年起,台灣開始面臨高齡化社會的挑戰,並於2018年正式進入高齡社會。自2009年起,我國開始推動「閱讀植根與空間改造:98-101年圖書館創新服務發展計畫」的公共建設計畫,以支援地方公共圖書館進行閱讀環境和設備升級等重點推動項目,而臺南市政府也在2015年底啟動了新總館興建計畫。目前雖已有研究探討樂齡族使用研究之相關文獻,但有鑑於近幾年許多公共圖書館新館建築的興建,當中不乏對樂齡族所提供的空間、設備及服務,因此本研究以臺南市立圖書館為例,來探討樂齡讀者對於圖書館的滿意度與使用研究。本研究主要探究臺南市立公共圖書館新館建築與樂齡讀者需求及使用研究,研究目的有以下三點:(1)探討圖書館樂齡讀者的圖書館館藏與空間設備。(2)從樂齡讀者資訊需求探討樂齡讀者對於公共圖書館的使用情形與使用差異。(3)探討樂齡讀者對於公共圖書館新館館藏與空間設備使用滿意度及影響因素。

    Since 1993, Taiwan has been facing the challenges of an aging society, officially entering an aged society in 2018. Starting from 2009, the country began promoting the " Library Innovative Service Development Project," a public construction initiative aimed at supporting key initiatives such as upgrading reading environments and equipment in local public libraries. In late 2015, the Tainan City Government also initiated a project for the construction of a new main library. While there have been studies examining the usage of libraries by the elderly, recent years have witnessed numerous constructions of new public library buildings, many of which cater to the space, equipment, and services provided for the elderly. Hence, this study focuses on the Tainan Public Library to explore the satisfaction and usage patterns of elderly readers in libraries. The primary focus of this research is to investigate the correlation between the new building of the Tainan City Public Library and the needs and usage patterns of elderly readers. The research objectives are threefold: (1) To explore the library collection and spatial equipment available to elderly readers. (2) To examine the usage patterns and discrepancies in the use of public libraries by elderly readers based on their information needs. (3) To investigate the satisfaction levels and influencing factors regarding the usage of library collections and spatial equipment in the new Tainan City Public Library among elderly readers.
    This study aims to explore the needs and usage patterns of elderly readers in public libraries, focusing on the elderly readers of the Tainan City Public Library. The research is divided into three main directions for analysis: (1) Elderly reader demographics, (2) Elderly reader usage patterns, and (3) Elderly reader satisfaction with library usage. The research methodology employed a questionnaire survey. Initially, through literature review, the study compiled the needs of the elderly population and conducted a satisfaction survey regarding public library services, laying the groundwork for the research. Subsequently, referencing related questionnaires, the study developed the "Survey on the Needs, Usage Patterns, and Satisfaction of Elderly Readers at the Tainan City Public Library" to explore the needs of the elderly, their library usage patterns, and their satisfaction levels along with influencing factors towards the library. The actual questionnaire distribution resulted in the collection of 307 valid responses.

    The analysis of the questionnaires has led to four main conclusions in this study. (1) Elderly visitors primarily engage in borrowing and returning books and reading library materials. They express more significant demand for information related to leisure travel, healthcare, elderly life planning, investment, and finance. (2) Among the library spaces, the most frequently used by the elderly are the periodical/newspaper section, book collection area, new book section, service counter, and the 24-hour book borrowing/returning section. The least utilized space is the innovative service area. (3) Elderly visitors exhibit the highest satisfaction with the new book section, book collection area, 24-hour book borrowing/returning section, and service counter at the Tainan City Public Library. (4) The age group of 55 to 59 among the elderly demographic utilizes the library more extensively compared to the other three age groups.
    Based on the research findings, nine recommendations are proposed: (1) Promotion of innovative service spaces and equipment in libraries. (2) Education on library utilization for the elderly. (3) Regular surveys focusing on the usage patterns of the elderly. (4) Consideration of the needs of the elderly in library spaces and equipment. (5) Comparative analysis of elderly usage of new library facilities in other regions. (6) Deeper understanding of the needs of the elderly. (7) Conducting surveys on the usage patterns and satisfaction of the elderly in public libraries across other regions in Taiwan. (8) Research targeting potential elderly readers. (9) In-depth exploration of the elderly's usage of specific spaces or equipment in libraries.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110155013
    Data Type: thesis
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