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    Title: 女性主義者的自我認同與親密關係協商策略
    Feminist’s Identity and Intimate Relationship Negotiation Strategy
    Authors: 雷函霏
    Lei, Han-Fei
    Contributors: 康庭瑜
    Kang, Ting-Yu
    Lei, Han-Fei
    Keywords: 女性主義
    Intimate relationship
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-01-02 15:35:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究從當代女性主義者的自我認同切入,以異性戀親密關係為範疇,探究女性主義者的意識形態、生命經驗及實踐的協商策略。目的有二,於理論方面,豐富女性主義者關於自我認同和親密關係實踐的質化研究;於實務方面,拓展當代的女性主義實踐典範。



    This study focused on feminists’ identity and practice in heterosexual intimate relationships, aiming to explore feminist ideologies, life experiences, and their negotiation strategies in practice. The purpose is to enrich qualitative research about feminists’ identity as well as feminists’ practice in intimate relationships. Moreover, it could expand practice models of feminism.

    The study results showed that feminists’ construction of identity mainly went through three stages: awareness raised, identity formed, and performance practiced. In the stage of awareness-raising, they were gradually enlightened due to their life experiences; in the stage of identity-forming, they cleared up their confusion and gained knowledge after learning feminism; in the stage of performance-practicing, they’re affected by self-monitoring and monitoring from others.

    In heterosexual intimate relationships, when facing their partners, feminists would take two trade-off negotiation strategies to eliminate the differences in gender awareness between their partners and them: co-constructing or co-existing identity. Additionally, when facing patriarchy in heterosexual intimate relationships, feminists would take resistant negotiation strategies by means of splitting the bill, requiring equal domestic division of labor, and expressing consent about body or sex.
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