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    Title: 臺灣單口喜劇性別地獄哏之批判論述分析
    A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Ideology in Taiwanese Stand-Up Comedy Hellish Gags
    Authors: 駱姿宇
    Lo, Tzu-Yu
    Contributors: 江靜之
    Chiang, Chin-Chih
    Lo, Tzu-Yu
    Keywords: 單口喜劇
    Stand-up comedy
    Hellish gags
    Anti-political correctness
    Critical discourse analysis
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-01-02 15:35:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年觀看單口喜劇儼然成為時下臺灣年輕人熱衷的藝文娛樂之一,其中尤以地獄哏為觀眾所喜愛,單口喜劇演員透過地獄哏自嘲或戲謔他人。本研究採取批判論述分析,從文本、論述實踐及社會文化實踐三個向度分析地獄哏。地獄哏挑戰、對抗社會上被視為理所當然的主流意識形態,卻仍為另一種意識形態所操控,又結合不同主流意識形態,形成相互衝突的論述,挑釁特定群眾,甚或觸犯社會價值、道德禮教等。




    Over recent years, stand-up comedy has gained immense popularity among the younger generation in Taiwan, with “hellish gags” emerging as a significant trend. These gags often involve self-deprecation or mocking others.

    This research delves into “gender hellish gags” through a critical discourse analysis, exploring text, discourse practices, and social cultural practices aspects. While challenging mainstream ideologies is considered natural, it becomes controlled by another form of ideology, intertwining conflicting discourses that may challenge social values, moral standards, and etiquette.
    Five instances related to “gender issues” are selected for analysis. Findings reveal that female comedians challenging patriarchy tend to use metaphors and puns, implicitly embedding criticisms in language and gestures. In discourse practices, they highlight the vulnerability of virgin men, illustrating that patriarchy affects not only women but also subjugates vulnerable men. Instances of mocking virgin men in school settings demonstrate the potential harm of malicious humor.

    On the male comedian front, they take a clear stance on political correctness and emphasize gender equality. However, textual analysis exposes the excessive use of female labels and passive-aggressive diminishment of feminist ideologies. In discourse practices, feminists are dehumanized, and stereotypical female images are transferred to workplaces. Social cultural practices reveal the manifestation of workplace gender stereotypes, biases, and discrimination.

    “Gender hellish gags” serve as a carrier of societal and cultural values, perceived either as amusing or distasteful. Understanding the complexity of these gags requires corresponding socio-cultural background knowledge. The study argues that “gender hellish gags” reflect public backlash against “excessive political correctness” and represent the dissatisfaction of the “vulnerable majority.” This sentiment against “political correctness” turns minority vulnerable groups into comedic material, engaging in a struggle between the discourse of “gender equality” and conflicting forces.

    In Taiwan, stand-up comedy thrives as an art form, with comedians enjoying freedom of speech. However, the constitutive elements of hate speech and incitement, along with the dimensions and extents of their impacts, require further clarification. The issues surrounding “gender hellish gags” demand ongoing attention in the evolving landscape of stand-up comedy in Taiwan.
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