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    Title: 年少得志?! 探究少年所長的角色期望、衝突及其組織社會化方式
    Young Achievers? Exploring the Role Expectations, Conflicts, and Organizational Socialization Methods of Youth Police Station Chiefs
    Authors: 盧宏銘
    Lu, Hong-Ming
    Contributors: 張鎧如
    Zhang, Kai-Ru
    Lu, Hong-Ming
    Keywords: 少年所長
    Youth Police Station Chief
    Role Expectations
    Role Conflict
    Organizational Socialization
    Core Competencies
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-01-02 15:25:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著臺北市的警察在遭遇內部、外部環境日漸艱辛的狀況下,伴隨著現今幹部逐漸重視自我權益的轉變,幹部們不再視派出所所長一職為警職生涯必須的歷練,對於出任派出所所長的意願大幅降低,導致不曾擔任過基層警員的「少年所長」如雨後春筍般湧現;然而,這些年少得志的少年所長們,卻可能因為年輕、經驗不足等因素,發生許多角色衝突,並對於轄區的治安維護及交通疏導產生衝擊。
    本研究試圖了解警界及外界對於少年所長的角色期望、可能發生的角色衝突,以及透過何種組織社會化方式減緩角色衝突。基於此,本研究以郭為藩(1979)提出的兩種角色期望、Adler & Adler(1987)認定的兩種角色衝突,及Van Maanen(1976)提出組織社會化的三階段為基礎架構,透過深度訪談法蒐集相關資料,希冀回答研究問題。
    As the Taipei City police face increasingly challenging internal and external environments, coupled with a shift in the mindset of contemporary leaders who prioritize their individual rights, the role of police station chiefs is no longer considered a mandatory milestone in a police career. Consequently, there is a significant decrease in the willingness of leaders to take on the position of police station chief, leading to the emergence of young and ambitious "youth police station chiefs" who may lack experience as grassroots police officers. However, these young achievers may encounter various role conflicts due to their youth and limited experience, impacting the maintenance of public order and traffic control in their jurisdictions.
    This study aims to understand the role expectations placed on youth police station chiefs by both the police community and the public, potential role conflicts they may encounter, and the organizational socialization methods employed to mitigate these conflicts. Grounded in the framework proposed by Guo Weifan (1979) for two types of role expectations, Adler & Adler's (1987) identification of two types of role conflicts, and Van Maanen's (1976) three stages of organizational socialization, the research utilizes in-depth interviews to collect relevant data in addressing the research questions.
    Through a analysis of interview data, the study identifies core competencies expected of youth police station chiefs, the role expectations held by the chiefs themselves and others, resulting in the consolidation of ten distinct role types. Additionally, the study reveals role conflicts that arise during the adjustment and metamorphosis stages of organizational socialization, along with organizational socialization strategies and spontaneous behaviors employed by youth police station chiefs.
    Based on these findings, the research proposes policy recommendations for the spontaneous behaviors youth police station chiefs can adopt, organizational socialization strategies that institutions can implement, and institutional measures for selecting police station chiefs. These suggestions aim to help youth police station chiefs minimize the impact of role conflicts, thereby effectively stabilizing public order and ensuring smooth traffic flow in their jurisdictions.
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