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Title: | 各國穩定幣監管趨勢下,我國銀行業發展機會之研究 Research on the Development Opportunity of Banking Sectors Under the Trend of Stablecoin Regulayory in Various Countries |
Authors: | 郭茂仁 Kuo, Mao-Jen |
Contributors: | 詹文男 尚孝存 郭茂仁 Kuo, Mao-Jen |
Keywords: | 數位貨幣 中央銀行數位貨幣 穩定幣 跨境支付 普惠金融 digital currency Central bank digital currency stablecoin cross-border payment inclusive finance |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2024-01-02 15:19:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 科技帶動了資通訊、銀行及支付服務的發展,在金融服務的大的服務下,電子支付滿足了部分地區和民眾因地理幅員遼闊、偏鄉(山區、離島)、識字程度造成缺乏金融或銀行服務無金融服務的需求.然而電子支付都是以當地執照的本國貨幣為主,當在跨國、境業務上會有到帳戶的時間、手續費用成本等效率問題.因應傳統金融的問題,數位貨幣及穩定幣透過新的區塊鏈技術演變且興起,也逐漸受到各國央行及監管機構的重視. 本研究透過文獻回顧法及深入訪談的方式.透過文獻回顧法,將現行各國(美國、歐洲、日本、英國、新加坡及香港)對於穩定幣的監管作為,同時也對金融研究單位、政府法人、加密貨幣友善銀行、虛擬通貨平台業者及電子支付業者進行深度訪談,以強化文獻回顧法中對於論述不足之處. 本研究發現各國都是在現行相關的支付法規及洗錢防制條例上納入穩定幣機制,後續才以訂定專法的方式,其次也挖掘出新的應用場景,最後列出台灣銀行業者在數位貨幣的發展優勢. Technology has driven the development of information communications, banking and payment services. In the financial services coverage, electronic payment has met the needs of some regions and people who lack financial services or banking services due to their vast geographical size, remote rural areas (mountains, outlying islands) and literacy level. However, electronic payment is based on the local license of the national currency, when the cross-border business will have the time to account, procedure costs and other efficiency problems. In response to the problems of traditional finance, digital currencies and stablecoins have evolved and emerged through new blockchain technologies, and have gradually attracted the attention of central banks and regulators. This study was conducted through literature review and in-depth interviews. Through the literature review method, the current regulatory actions of stablecoins in various countries (the United States, Europe, Japan, the United Kingdom, Singapore and Hong Kong) are reviewed. Meanwhile, in-depth case interviews are conducted with financial research institutions, government legal entities, cryptocurrency-friendly banks, virtual currency platform operators and electronic payment operators to strengthen the shortcomings of the literature review method. This study finds that various countries have incorporated stablecoin mechanisms into the existing relevant payment regulations and money laundering prevention regulations, and then formulated special laws. Secondly, it also explores new business scenarios, and finally lists the advantages of Taiwan banking sector in the development of digital currencies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 110932103 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110932103 |
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