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    Title: 當女王蜂滑動手指時:以自我決定論探索Bumble對異性戀女性用戶線上交友之旅的心理影響
    When the Queen Bee Swipes: Unveiling the Psychological Effects of Bumble on Heterosexual Female Users’ Online Dating Journey through the Lens of Self-Determination Theory
    Authors: 簡伽錡
    Chien, Chia-Chi
    Contributors: 林日璇
    Lin, Jih-Hsuan
    Chien, Chia-Chi
    Keywords: 網路交友
    Online Dating
    Dating App
    Self-Determination Theory
    Media Richness
    Media Psychology
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 14:10:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網路交友的盛行已改變了當代浪漫關係的性質,同時也開創了數位連結的新時代。由於行動裝置和以電腦中介傳播的廣泛應用,交友軟體日益普及且越發便利,人們能夠隨時隨地與他人輕鬆在網路上進行交流,進而發展浪漫關係。

    以自我決定理論為框架,本研究深入探討了自稱為以女性為主所設計之交友軟體 Bumble 與其異性戀生理女性用戶之間的關係。研究著重於Bumble中所提供之獨特功能和多種傳訊方式是否有助於增強異性戀女性使用者的自主感、勝任感和關聯感。此外,本研究也探討該軟體中媒體豐富度與獨特功能對她們在網路交友的浪漫旅程中心理層面上的各種影響,以及她們對該交友軟體之使用滿意度和未來使用意圖。


    The prevalence of online dating has revolutionized the nature of relationships in the context of modern romance, ushering in an era of digital connection. Owing to the widespread adoption of mobile devices and computer-mediated communication, dating apps have become increasingly popular and accessible, enabling individuals to communicate with prospective partners at any moment and from any location and establish romantic connections with unprecedented ease.

    This research delves into exploring the relationship between Bumble, a self-claimed female-oriented dating app, and its female users. Employing the framework of “Self-Determination Theory,” this study aims to discover whether Bumble’s unique features and various communication options available within the app contribute to the enhancement of its female users’ sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Furthermore, it also seeks to investigate the psychological effects on their romantic journey, as well as how these features may influence their satisfaction with the app and intentions for future app use.

    A total of 365 Taiwanese biological female users who identify as heterosexual participated in this research. The findings revealed that although Bumble’s unique features do not directly correlate with user satisfaction, they indeed have a significant positive influence on providing users with a greater sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. In addition, autonomy, competence, and relatedness are positively and significantly correlated to satisfaction with Bumble use. This relationship between the use of the richness of cues and the satisfaction with Bumble use was also addressed in the study.

    By examining the psychological effects of using dating apps like Bumble, this study broadens the scope of past research on the subject. The findings not only shed light on users’ psychological perceptions and experiences with Bumble, but they also offer valuable insights for dating app developers, both present and future, on how to fine tune their services in order to safeguard users’ safety online and optimize their user satisfaction.
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