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Title: | 博物館空間媒介之歷史感:以台灣新文化運動紀念館為例 How Do Museum Spaces Mediate Sense of History: A Case Study of Taiwan New Cultural Movement Memorial Museum |
Authors: | 廖若閔 Liao, Jo-Min |
Contributors: | 王淑美 Wang, Su-Mei 廖若閔 Liao, Jo-Min |
Keywords: | 博物館 空間媒介 物質性 身體感 凝視 展演 空間敘事 Museum Spatial media Materiality Embodied experience Gaze Performance Spatial narrative |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-12-01 13:58:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著新博物館學興起,博物館日益借助媒介技術和文學敘事策展,逐漸與媒介產生互媒性並轉變為媒介化空間。從物質性角度分析也能發現博物館具有媒介性質,並在其媒介形式與內容上作為一個更具體有形、更觸及身體經驗的空間媒介,因而博物館參觀者也具有媒介受眾的身分。與此同時,博物館逐漸從以文物或藝術品傳遞意義的場所,轉向重視身體與物質實踐的場域。在此轉向下,博物館一方面以感官經驗作為知識傳遞的管道,另一方面則強調參觀者以身體參與展覽,透過身體感官與實踐共同生產展覽意義。 近年修復日式古蹟作為博物館或藝文展演場所的風潮漸起,其中台灣新文化運動紀念館保留與展示諸多日治建築細節與文物,藉由古蹟空間與身體經驗傳遞文史記憶。本研究將探問新文化運動館如何透過空間物質性媒介日治時期的歷史,以及參觀者如何以身體與此空間媒介互動。因此,本研究採取感官民族誌作為研究方法,一方面以自我民族誌分析博物館空間媒介的物質性,另一方面則以訪談法瞭解參觀者的身體感與凝視展演如何與博物館空間媒介互動。本研究認為作為空間媒介的新文化運動館,在建築、展覽和地景展演等三個層面與參觀者共同建構空間敘事。立基於空間媒介的身體感與凝視展演分析,期望有助於我們瞭解博物館空間媒介與身體實踐交織而生的作用,發掘其以物質性與身體感向參觀者中介之歷史文化,以及參觀者與之共同建構的空間敘事。 With the emergence of new museology, museums are increasingly using technologies and literary narratives in curating which gradually develops their inter-mediality with media and transforms themselves into mediated spaces. From the perspective of materiality, museums also exhibit characteristics of media in their form and content and serve as a more tangible, experiential and spatial medium, making their visitors akin to media audiences. Simultaneously, museums are shifting away from places that convey meanings through the display of artifacts and art to exhibition fields that emphasize bodily and material practices. With this shift, museums utilize experiences and interactions as means of communication of knowledge and reinforcement of engagement. Visitors are thus invited to co-produce the meaning of exhibitions through their physical senses and practices. In recent years, there has been a trend of reusing historical sites from the Japanese-ruled period as museums or exhibition centers. Taiwan New Cultural Movement Memorial Museum, for instance, preserves and displays architectural elements and artifacts from that period to pass on cultural and historical memories through its physical space and visitors' embodied experiences. Therefore, this study explores how the museum utilizes the materiality of its space to mediate the history of the Japanese-ruled period and how visitors interact with this spatial medium through their bodies, senses and gazes. With sensory ethnography as the research method, this study tries to analyze the materiality of the museum employing auto-ethnography and to understand the interactions of visitors' embodied experiences and gazes with the spatial medium via interviews. This study proposes that, as a spatial medium, the museum constructs its spatial narratives collaboratively with its visitors in the aspects of architecture, curation and landscape. Grounded in the analysis of embodied experiences and gazes, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of the intertwined effects of museums as spatial media and the bodily practices of visitors. And also uncovering the historical narratives mediated through materiality and embodied experiences and the co-construction of spatial narratives of the visitors. |
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