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Title: | 儲能設備風險評估及保險規劃 Risk Assessment and Insurance Planning for Battery Energy Storage System |
Authors: | 朱峻浩 Chu, Chun-Hao |
Contributors: | 蔡政憲 陳伯燿 朱峻浩 Chu, Chun-Hao |
Keywords: | 儲能系統 火災 標準 風險矩陣 BESS Fire Loss Standard Risk matrix |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-12-01 13:53:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 鑒於儲能設備在台逐漸發展,應參考國際上其他針對該項目已發展之國家執行現況,對其風險有完整的認知。作為金融保險業,對於此項新興業務,更應具有足夠的風險辨識能力。本文透過資料收集,參考國內外儲能設備執行狀況、認證標準、以及損失案例進行探討。同時也與產業內之保險公司、再保險公司、儲能設備廠商、工程師等多方進行訪談。 主要建議項目 政府單位及主辦機關 應盡速完善檢驗標準以及相關配套措施。 儲能設備安裝廠商 配合政府發展的同時,應注重項目本身的風險性質。應以安全性為最優先考量進行設備的評估與準備。 保險公司 在尚未釐清儲能設備風險前以及市場初期發展階段,應謹慎選擇業務並制定完整的風險辨識系統。 In view of the gradual development of battery energy storage system in Taiwan, it is imperative to reference the implementation status in other countries that have already developed in this field in order to have a comprehensive understanding of their risks. As professionals in the insurance industry, there is an even greater need for adequate risk identification capabilities when dealing with this emerging business. This paper explores the execution status, certification standards, and loss cases of battery energy storage system both domestically and internationally through data collection. Interviews were also conducted with various stakeholders within the industry, including insurance companies, reinsurance companies, battery energy storage system equipment manufacturers, and engineers.
To recommendations:
Government agencies and organizing bodies: Expedite the refinement of inspection standards and related support measures.
Battery energy storage system owner: While cooperating with government development efforts, prioritize the inherent risk nature of the projects. Equipment assessment and preparation should prioritize safety considerations.
Insurance companies: Prior to clarifying the risks associated with battery energy storage system and during the initial stages of market development, exercise caution in selecting business and establish a comprehensive risk identification system. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際金融碩士學位學程 111ZB1047 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111ZB1047 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際金融碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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