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    Title: 臺灣高中英語教科書中的批判性思考
    Critical Thinking Representation in English Textbooks for Taiwan’s Senior High Schools
    Authors: 李佳璇
    Li, Chia-Hsuan
    Contributors: 黃怡萍
    Huang, Yi-Ping
    Li, Chia-Hsuan
    Keywords: 批判性思考
    Critical Thinking (CT)
    Critical Thinking Representation
    English textbooks
    Content Analysis
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 13:43:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 批判性思考,指個體能夠系統性分析文本、合理地提出評價、完整地綜合訊息、有創意地完成任務,是臺灣高中生必備的高層次思考能力。臺灣已有許多學者討論如何培養學生的批判性思考,以及其與英語能力之相關性;然而,批判性考在英語教科書中是如何呈現,卻鮮少被注意。為暸解中等學校英語教科書能否有效引導學生批判性思考,本研究以市占率最高的L版本為例,針對所收集之593個問句進行內容分析,探究批判性思考在臺灣高中英語教材中的樣貌。研究者延伸Bloom(1956)的認知分類與其修訂版(Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001),並參照臺灣英語文領域課程綱要,設計分析架構,共包含四個類別的批判性思考能力:分析、評價、綜合、創造,用以分析批判性思考在單冊與跨冊教科書的呈現。研究結果顯示,在L版本的閱讀部分,約有三分之一的問句能夠促進學生的批判思考,其中以分析、評價佔比最多,而綜合、創造較少出現。研究亦發現,在跨冊之間,批判性思考能力有漸進式的轉變,由分析、評價到創造,表示批判思考具有累積且分層的特性。根據上述,研究者提出關於如何培養學生不同的批判思考能力,以及如何改善臺灣英語教科書之建議,將對高中英語教師、教科書書商有教學上的啟發。
    Critical thinking (CT) is a must-have higher-order thinking ability for senior high students in Taiwan. CT refers to the ability to systematically analyze texts, reasonably evaluate ideas with standards, comprehensively synthesize pieces of information, and imaginatively complete tasks with creativity. While the instruction of CT and the relationship between CT and English have been extensively examined in Taiwan, few studies shed light on how CT is presented in English teaching materials. To investigate the extent to which the English textbooks for secondary schools were conducive to the teaching of CT, the present study intended to conduct a content analysis of the representation of CT in the English textbooks for Taiwan’s senior high schools, using the 593 questions collected from the most widely-used L Book as an example. The researcher expanded Bloom’s taxonomy (1956) and its revision by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) and drew from Taiwan’s curriculum guideline for English learning to create a coding scheme of four categories of CT skills – Analyzing, Evaluating, Synthesizing, and Creating – and analyzes how CT was presented within and across volumes of textbooks. The results showed that about one-third of the questions in L Book’s English textbooks could promote students’ CT skills, with Analyzing and Evaluating being dominant, and Synthesizing and Creating appearing less frequently. The results also revealed that across volumes was a progressive transition from Analyzing and Evaluating to Creating, indicating CT skills were cumulatively hierarchical. These findings have pedagogical implications for senior high English teachers and textbook publishers in terms of how to cultivate students’ multiple CT skills and how to improve Taiwan’s English textbooks.
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