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    Title: 探究創新生態系統形成之策略利基管理: 以台灣居家能源管理發展為例
    Exploring Strategic Niche Management of Innovation Ecosystem Formation: A Case Study of Home Energy Management System in Taiwan
    Authors: 陳思如
    Chen, Szu-Ju
    Contributors: 柯玉佳
    Ko, Yu-Chia
    Chen, Szu-Ju
    Keywords: 居家能源管理系統
    Home energy management system
    Innovation ecosystem
    Strategic niche management
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 11:55:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因應全球能源危機,各國開始發展再生能源、追求淨零碳排,我國政府亦制定了2050年達成全面淨零碳排的政策目標,針對基礎建設、再生能源補助全面制定與檢討。然而,對於一般民眾而言,相較於淨零碳排亦或是再生能源,民眾對於缺電感受更深刻。許多國家針對於低壓用戶的用電需求面管理,已有完整的解決方案給終端用戶,然而國內相關產業仍相對進展緩慢,如何克服外部困難,與異業結合,創造新價值主張,給予終端用戶新的能源管理方案,成為該領域業者待解決的議題。
    In response to the global energy crisis, countries have begun to develop renewable energy and pursue net-zero carbon emissions, and our government has also set a policy goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, with comprehensive development and review of infrastructure and renewable energy subsidies. However, to the general public, the problem of electricity shortage is more deeply felt than net-zero carbon emissions or renewable energy. Many countries have already developed complete solutions for end-users to manage the demand side of low-voltage consumers, but the domestic industry is still making relatively slow progress. How to overcome the external difficulties, combine with other industries, create new value propositions, and provide end-users with new energy management solutions has become a problem to be solved by the industry in this field.
    This study uses the case study approach and analyzes each element in the various stages of the home energy management innovation ecosystem through the researcher's practical experience in the industry, interviews with industry actors, and secondary data on the Internet, with a focus on social experiments contracted by the case company and the campaign for promoting the company’s service. In the past, literature on Innovation Ecosystems was mostly focused on the collaboration between actors within the ecosystem. Considering that the home energy management system is an emerging industry domestically, there is very little literature discussing the industrial background. In order to fill these gaps, this study starts with the stages of the Innovation Ecosystem and introduces the perspective of Strategic Niche Management to complement the externalities. After analyzing the above data, the main conclusions of this study are as follows:
    Conclusion 1: The current home energy management ecosystem is difficult to birth, and the niche centered on the technology of the case company is protected but not enough.
    Conclusion 2: The niches in domestic home energy management ecosystem are learning from each other and building networks, and with the progress of the stage, the expectations are becoming more consistent.
    Conclusion 3: In the process of creating new ecosystems, the number of system members is gradually increasing, and members of the system play multiple roles, and the relationship is based on cooperation but lack of competition.
    At the end of the thesis, the academic contribution, practical implications for the case company, Tai Power Company and the government and follow-up research suggestions are further elaborated.
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