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Title: | 公部門問題員工管理之研究:以員工協助方案為觀察視角 Research on the Problem Employees’ Management in Public Sector: A Perspective from the Employee Assistance Program |
Authors: | 簡湘凌 Jian, Siang-Ling |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 Chen, Don-Yun 簡湘凌 Jian, Siang-Ling |
Keywords: | 問題員工 問題員工管理 員工協助方案 多元化管理 公部門 Problem Employees Problem Employees’ Management Employee Assistance Program Diversity Management Public Sector |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-12-01 11:51:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,新聞媒體經常報導公務人員各種不符人民期待的問題行為,惟政府主管難以運用以績效管理思維為基礎的淘汰制度處理問題員工已是不爭的事實,從多元化管理視角思考如何精進員工協助方案,以協助問題員工步入正軌至關重要。
對此,本研究建議,為有效處理大量且多元價值在公部門內相互碰撞的結果,從精進員工協助方案之制度設計、促進長官之認知、以及加強員工之宣導等三方面著手,有助於處理公部門問題員工,發揮多元化管理之效果。 In recent years, various problematic behaviors by civil servants that do not meet the expectations of the public have been commonly observed in the news media. It is an undeniable fact that government supervisors find it difficult to address these issues through a performance-based elimination system. Therefore, it is crucial to consider enhancing employee assistance program from a diversity management perspective to help problem employees get back on track.
This study employed two methods to investigate the issue of problem employees in public sector. Firstly, content analysis method was used to examine news reports from the past 10 years, aiming to provide an overview of problem employees in public sector. Secondly, in-depth interviews were conducted with twenty-four supervisors from the city A, in order to confirm the meaning and types of problem employees in public sector, assess the current management situation, identify the key factors in problem employees’ management, and gather opinions on employee assistance program.
According to the results based on the methodology described earlier, this study has three findings: First, there is no consensus across various sectors regarding the definition and types of problem employees in the public sector. However, broadly speaking, these employees can be categorized into seven types: "inadequate skills," "neglect of duties," "poor mental and emotional adaptation," "self-harm," "property deviance," "personal aggression," and " inappropriate behavior", which extend from three problem dimensions: "poor performance," " mental and physical health problem," and " misconduct." Second, supervisors tend to prioritize management approaches such as communication and warning rather than resort to performance-based management approaches such as punishment. Moreover, successful management of problem employees in public sector hinges on several key factors, including understanding the causes and needs of the problem employees, gaining support from the leader, leveraging peer support, establishing equal communication modes with problem employees, utilizing motivational theories, seeking advice from mentors, and enhancing understanding of organizational culture and personnel characteristics. Finally, supervisors believe that employee assistance program is unable to manage problem employees in public sector because of the awareness and usage situation of employee assistance program are generally unsatisfactory.
To effectively address the outcomes of a large and diverse set of conflicting values within the public sector, this study recommends focusing on three points: improving employee assistance program design, promoting supervisors’ awareness, and disseminating information to employees which can maximize the effectiveness of diversity management and resolving problem employees in public sector. |
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