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    Title: 台灣離岸風電發展之分析:借鑒英國之見解
    An Analysis of Taiwan’s Offshore Wind Development : Insights from the United Kingdom
    Authors: 唐孟侯
    Newman, Thomas Christopher
    Contributors: 李佳怡
    Lee, Chia-yi
    Newman, Thomas Christopher
    Keywords: 離岸風電
    offshore wind
    renewable energy
    Taiwan renewable energy policy
    UK offshore wind
    clean energy transition
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 10:42:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自從2009年實施《再生能源發展條例》以來,台灣已通過一系列政策試圖大幅轉變其能源結構,並彰顯台灣對低碳經濟的野心。由於台灣98%的能源依賴進口,再加上當地對電力的需求急劇增加,未來可能面臨能源緊縮,因此轉向乾淨能源比以往更加重要。受到歐洲多個國家的影響,台灣的乾淨能源轉型主要以大規模部署離岸風電為主。然而,儘管在亞太地區相對成功,該產業仍受到各種規範、市場和財務障礙的困擾。因此,本文利用優劣分析法來找出台灣本地離岸風電產業發展的主要障礙,並借鑒英國的相關政策,因為該國擁有全球第二大的離岸風電裝機容量。本文所發現對台灣離岸風電產業發展的障礙包括嚴厲的處罰、當地銀行的抵抗、不協調的補貼、難以營運的電力購買協議框架、不利的上網電價、容量分配拍賣的策略投標以及不足的電網整合和當地內容。通過分析英國政策得到的見解,本文主要建議包括建立政府支持的「綠色銀行」、建立一個實體的戰略網絡和私營的離岸輸電網、實施差價合約(CfDs)和後備購售電合約(Backstop PPAs)、投資於共址電池存儲、及逐步實現能源市場自由化。
    Since the implementation of the Renewable Energy Development Act in 2009, Taiwan has strived to radically transform its energy structure through a string of policies, which outline the island’s ambitious plans for decarbonising the economy. With 98% of Taiwan’s energy reliant on imports, and a looming energy crunch ahead as the local demand for electricity swells, the transition towards clean energy is more critical than ever. Influenced by a number of European countries, Taiwan’s clean energy transition is dominated by the widespread deployment of offshore wind power. Nonetheless, despite its relative success in the Asia-Pacific Region, the industry is plagued by diverse regulatory, market and financial barriers. Therefore, this paper undertakes a SWOT analysis to identify the key obstacles facing the development of Taiwan’s local offshore wind industry, exploring potential solutions by drawing upon relevant policies of the United Kingdom (UK), which has the second largest installed offshore wind capacity worldwide. The obstacles discovered include harsh penalties, resistance from local banks, misaligned subsidies, an unnavigable PPA framework, unfavourable feed-in tariffs, strategic bidding at capacity allocation auctions, and insufficient grid integration and local content. By leveraging insights from UK policy, the primary recommendations include establishing a government-backed ‘green bank’, a strategic network of entities and a privately-owned offshore transmission network, implementing Contracts for Difference (CfDs) and Backstop Power Purchase Agreements (BPPAs), investing in co-location battery storage, and gradually liberalising the energy market.
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