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Title: | 雙向共情:電視節目主持人與閱聽人同理心傳播研究 Bidirectional Empathy: Research On the Empathic Communication Relationship Between Hosts and Audiences of TV Programs |
Authors: | 吳煌 Wu, Huang |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 Huang, Wei-Wei 吳煌 Wu, Huang |
Keywords: | 同理心傳播 電視節目主持人 閱聽人 擬社會互動 對象感 Empathic communication TV program hosts Audiences Parasocial interaction Perception of audiences |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-12-01 10:41:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 數位匯流時代的傳受關係正發生巨變,面對掌握了更多傳播話語權的閱聽人,電視節目主持人以傳統媒體時代的傳播模式制作節目顯然已經不能吸引閱聽人的關注。有鑑於此,本研究以電視節目主持人與閱聽人為研究對象,在跨學科的理論視野與現象學的研究取徑中,透過對日常生活實踐的觀察,分析閱聽人對主持人的擬社會互動與主持人對閱聽人的對象感建立的傳播圖景。 閱聽人在透過擬社會互動建構電視節目主持人形象時,出現了對主持人個體形象與主持人群體形象建構的差異:在情感同理心的驅動下,閱聽人的擬社會互動以感性式、情境式、滲透式、對抗式為主,發展出多元化特徵;在認知同理心的影響下,閱聽人的擬社會互動多呈現建言式的形象建構。繼而在對擬社會互動的反思中發現,數位匯流極大轉變了閱聽人擬社會互動的形式、樣態與內涵。 電視節目主持人對閱聽人的對象感建立貫穿節目制作全程,主持人是閱聽人與節目之間的溝通者、調和者,更是閱聽人的發聲者、引導者,他們主要以擬態、情境、具身、實景的方式建立對象感,並會接收到來自行業內部、父母朋友與媒介平台的閱聽人反饋。在檢視對象感與同理心傳播時,發現同理心傳播的生成路徑、立場站位與追求的效果都明顯優於對象感,可見同理心傳播能夠助力電視節目主持人建立對象感。電視節目主持人不僅要對閱聽人日常生活所處的文化脈絡有所把握,還要適時進入同理心傳播的情感脈絡表現真我,更要回歸主持人自身與傳播當下的社會脈絡完成口語傳播。 研究發現,電視節目主持人在口語傳播中運用的同理心與閱聽人的內心感受接近時,閱聽人會依此產生對主持人的同理心,二者之間雙向情感互動的基礎來源於日常生活的體驗與感受,而在數位匯流空間形成的影響也會反身作用於他們的日常生活。電視節目主持人與閱聽人同理心傳播圖景的理想狀態是:二者的傳播互動透過同理心在數位匯流空間中精准定位,在建立共通意義空間的基礎上,由同理心傳播的引導共同走進空間相逢,在此達成雙向共情。 The digital convergence era is witnessing a profound transformation in communication dynamics. Faced with audiences who wield greater discourse authority, traditional TV program hosts employing communication models from the era of traditional media production are evidently struggling to capture audience attention. In light of this, this research focuses on the relationship between TV program hosts and their audiences. Employing an interdisciplinary theoretical framework and a phenomenological research approach, this study conducts observational analysis of daily life practices to elucidate the communicative landscape involving audiences' parasocial interactions with hosts and the establishment of hosts' perceptions of their audiences. When audiences form impressions of TV program hosts through parasocial interaction, a distinction emerges between individual host images and host group images. Driven by affective empathy, audiences predominantly engage in emotional, situational, immersive, and confrontational simulated interactions, resulting in a diverse range of characteristics. Conversely, under the influence of cognitive empathy, audiences tend to construct advisory-style images. Subsequently, upon reflection on parasocial interaction, it becomes apparent that digital convergence has profoundly transformed the forms, patterns, and content of audiences' parasocial interactions. The establishment of hosts' perceptions of their audiences permeates the entire process of program production. Hosts serve as communicators and mediators between audiences and the program, acting as advocates and guides for the audiences. They primarily construct perceptions of their audiences through mimicry, situational engagement, embodiment, and real-life scenarios. Furthermore, hosts receive feedback from within the industry, friends, family, and media platforms. Empathic communication, with its clear pathways, stances, and desired outcomes, significantly enhances the perception of audiences. TV program hosts not only comprehend the cultural context of their audiences' daily lives but also immerse themselves in the emotional context of empathic communication, reflecting their authentic selves and aligning with societal norms. When hosts employ empathy in their speech communication and align with the inner emotional experiences of their audiences, audiences reciprocate with empathy. The foundation for this bidirectional emotional interaction lies in the experiences and feelings of everyday life, with influences from the digital convergence space that reciprocally impact their daily lives. The ideal scenario for empathic communication between TV program hosts and audiences involves their communicative interaction being precisely positioned within the digital convergence space. Building upon a shared meaning space, they jointly navigate this space through guided empathic communication, thereby achieving bidirectional empathy. |
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