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    Title: 連鎖便利商店在虛實融合上的動態競爭:以全家便利商店及7-ELEVEN在應用程式上的競爭為例
    Dynamic Competition of Convenience Store Chain in OMO business model: Case Study of 7-ELEVEN and Family Mart in APP Competition
    Authors: 陳學萱
    Chen, Hsueh-Hsuan
    Contributors: 許牧彥
    Chen, Hsueh-Hsuan
    Keywords: 動態競爭
    Dynamic Competition
    Convenience store
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 10:39:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著網際網路的發展趨勢及行動裝置的普及使用,使得人們一改過去的消費習慣,利用線上平台完成購物的需求,便利商店業者面對電子商務崛起的壓力,實體門市的優勢已不如過往,需要透過數位轉型保持競爭優勢。因此便利商店紛紛推出應用程式做為虛實融合的策略發展重點,進而提升消費者的體驗並同時滿足其需求。
    With the trend of the Internet and the use of mobile devices, people have changed their consumption habits. In the past, they preferred to shop in physical stores. Nowadays, people use online platform to meet their shopping needs. Convenience stores are facing the pressure of e-commerce, and physical stores are no longer an advantage for convenience stores. To maintain their competitive advantage, convenience stores have to conduct digital transformation. Therefore, convenience stores have launched apps to enhance costumer experience.
    For 7-ELEVEN and Family Mart, they launched their own apps in 2015 and 2016 respectively. Even though 7-ELEVEN, the leading convenience store, launched the app earlier than Family Mart. The number and the growth rate of members was not as good as that of Family Mart. However, by 2023, the number of members in two convenience stores is nearly the same. It is believed that the competition and interaction between two convenience stores during this period is worthy of discussion.
    In addition to use “An Intergrated Framework of Competitor Analysis and Interfirm Rivalry “as the main research framework. This study hopes to use trademark and patent information as leading indicators of market commonality and resource similarity to analyze the strategic intentions of two companies. Based on the analysis of the result, this study also provides suggestions and development directions for convenience stores in launching functions in application.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110364117
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