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    Title: 國際民航組織與全球治理:以民航機遭擊落事件為例
    ICAO and Global Governance: Case Studies on the Downing of International Civil Aircrafts
    Authors: 曾勝美
    Contributors: 盧業中
    Keywords: 國際民用航空組織
    Global Governance
    international civil aviation
    aviation safety
    Chicago Convention
    public international law
    Conflict Zone
    downing of civil aircrafts
    Korean Air Lines 007
    Iran Air 655
    Malaysia Airlines 17
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:30:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國際民用航空組織(ICAO),作為聯合國專責技術機構,負責監管全球飛航安全及航空保安,由於內部立法限制以及成員國和各種非國家行為主體的外部影響等因素,嚴重阻礙了ICAO有效行使全球航空安全治理的能力。然,在國際關係領域中相較其他國際組織,對於ICAO「全球治理」模式的學術研究以及對於民航客機遭軍事武器擊落的失事案管轄缺乏探討。因此,本論文運用「分析層次」研究途徑和文獻研究方法,分析ICAO、相關區域組織、國家行為主體和非國家行為主體在處理三個具有歷史意義的民航機擊落案例(大韓航空007號班機、伊朗航空655號班機和馬來西亞航空17號班機),深入探討ICAO作為安全領域中的全球治理行為主體,而非僅是聯合國體系下的技術機構,在現今多層次治理與國家權力讓渡的複雜國際政治情勢下,其組織、立法演變和應對民航機遭擊落失事意外的全球治理動態發展,並發掘ICAO所面臨的現實困境與挑戰。
    International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the specialized technical agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating global aviation safety and security, faces significant limitations due to both internal legislative constraints and external influences from its Member States and various non-state actors. These factors have considerably impeded ICAO`s capacity to exercise effective global aviation safety governance. However, research on its governance patterns in the field of international relations is scant. Moreover, there`s a lack of exploration into the jurisdictional implications of aircraft shootdown accidents and their impact on international relations. Hence, this thesis employs the "levels of analysis" research approach and literature review methods to analyze the dynamics of global governance and interaction patterns among ICAO, relevant regional organizations, state actors, and non-state actors in handling three historically significant cases of civilian aircraft shootdown incidents: Korean Air Lines Flight 007, Iran Air Flight 655, and Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. It delves into ICAO`s role as a global governance actor in the safety domain, beyond being merely a technical agency under the UN system. In the complex international political landscape of multi-level governance and the delegation of national powers, this research explores the organizational and evolution of ICAO and its response to global governance dynamics in addressing incidents of civilian aircraft shootdown accidents. It also uncovers the real-world challenges and dilemmas faced by ICAO.
    Reference: 中文部分
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