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Title: | 由全球治理思維析論臺灣推動氣候外交之策略 The Strategies for promoting Climate Diplomacy in Taiwan from the Perspective of Global Governance |
Authors: | 蘇緯政 Su, Wei-Cheng |
Contributors: | 連弘宜 Lien, Hong-Yi 蘇緯政 Su, Wei-Cheng |
Keywords: | 氣候變遷 全球治理 全球氣候治理 氣候外交 climate change global governance global climate governance climate diplomacy |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 16:30:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 氣候變遷所帶來的衝擊與挑戰相當嚴峻,不僅威脅生計、損害發展,更觸及國際政治核心的地緣政治、國家主權、領土完整性、水資源、能源、糧食等問題,此外,對各國的社會、經濟與發展也會造成重大且高度不確定的影響,甚至,可能會破壞人類的安全,增加國際間衝突及區域不穩定的風險。
傳統的外交協調與合作模式已難以妥善維持當今複雜的國際秩序,且國際社會的外交議題不再侷限於政府對政府而已,更擴及人類安全、環境保護、人權等多樣的外交議題。因此,要解決這些議題必須透過全球治理的前瞻思維及策略來進行協調與合作,這也是國際社會必須發展「氣候外交(Climate Diplomacy)」的意義。
本文擬就氣候變遷對全球造成的影響、全球氣候治理的發展、氣候外交的涵義、歐盟與碳排大國(以美國、日本、中國為例)推動氣候外交的重點、臺灣面臨的挑戰與機會、臺灣參與《聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約(UNFCCC)》的情形、臺灣有關氣候的立法與政策推動過程等,予以整理、歸納與分析,並融入筆者的立法及政策實務經驗,提出臺灣未來推動「氣候外交」的策略淺見。 The impacts and challenges brought about by climate change are severe, not only threatening livelihoods and development, but also touching on the core issues of international politics, such as geopolitics, national sovereignty, territorial integrity, water resources, energy, and food, etc. In addition, it will also cause significant and highly uncertain impacts on the social, economic, and developmental aspects of countries. It may even jeopardize the security of human beings and increase the risk of international conflicts and regional instability.
The traditional mode of diplomatic coordination and cooperation can no longer properly maintain today’s complex international order, and the diplomatic issues of the international community are no longer limited to Government-to-Government, but also extend to various diplomatic issues such as human security, environmental protection, and human rights. Therefore, in order to solve these issues, it is necessary to coordinate and cooperate through the forward-looking thinking and strategies of global governance, which is also the significance of the international community must develop “Climate Diplomacy”.
In light of China’s long history of vicious obstruction, intimidation and suppression of our participation in the international community, this article believes that “Climate Diplomacy” will be an important avenue for Taiwan to have a chance to break through the diplomatic dilemma. Connecting with the international community through environmental sustainability and climate change not only reduces political conflict, but also demonstrates Taiwan’s willingness and ability to contribute to the international community and fulfill its international civic responsibilities, which will help Taiwan connect with the world and strive for more recognition, establish friendly partnerships in various international fields, and enhance Taiwan’s positive image and international visibility.
This article intends to organize, summarize and analyze the impacts of climate change on the world, the development of global climate governance, the meaning of climate diplomacy, the focuses of the European Union and the major carbon-emitting countries (taking the United States, Japan and China as examples) in promoting climate diplomacy, the challenges and opportunities faced by Taiwan, Taiwan’s participation in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the process of promoting Taiwan’s climate-related legislation and policies. In addition, the author’s practical experience in legislation and policy has been incorporated into the analysis, so as to put forward Taiwan’s strategy for the promotion of “Climate Diplomacy” in the future. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交學系戰略與國際事務碩士在職專班 104922013 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104922013 |
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