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Title: | 寬容與當代憲政秩序:福斯特的寬容批判理論研究 Toleration and Contemporary Constitutionalism: A Study of Forst’s Critical Theory of Toleration |
Authors: | 林懋棋 Lin, Mao-Chi |
Contributors: | 江玉林 Chiang, Yu-Lin 林懋棋 Lin, Mao-Chi |
Keywords: | 寬容 批判理論 福斯特 正義 基本權 Toleration Critical theory Forst Justice Fundamental right |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 16:26:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 寬容的概念無論是在歷史上、學術上或者是公共生活的日常語言中,皆扮演相當重要的角色,然而其內涵與應用卻相當複雜。一方面,寬容既可能作為一種個人德性也可能作為一種政治實踐;另一方面,寬容既可能具有促成解放的作用,也可能作為權力關係當中的規訓技術。有鑑於此,本文擬以當代法蘭克福學派代表人物萊納・福斯特(Rainer Forst)的寬容批判理論作為核心,說明其如何討論寬容的內涵、判準以及對社會現實權力關係的批判性檢驗。此外,作為一篇法學論文,本文介紹福斯特對寬容的討論,背後關切的是此政治哲學的寬容如何具體應用於法律領域,就此而言,本文將聚焦在寬容與憲政秩序當中基本權的關係。
在架構上,本論文首先將藉由德國聯邦憲法法院十字架判決和第一次頭巾判決,來說明當涉及基本權衝突時,法律學界、審判實務和公共討論中如何表述寬容。接著,本論文將討論福斯特的寬容批判理論,福斯特認為正義的道德基礎是要求證成的權利,並區分了四種寬容觀,其中唯有尊敬的寬容觀能夠確保每個人要求證成的權利。在闡明完福斯特的理論後,本論文將說明福斯特如何以其理論檢驗十字架判決、第一次頭巾判決和第二次頭巾判決,並說明福斯特的寬容理論與應用,在宗教自由基本權衝突的問題上,能夠提供法律人什麼反思。本文將主張,福斯特要求證成的權利和尊敬的寬容觀,可分別對應到人性尊嚴和寬容誡命的使用,且寬容誡命應作為立法者限制基本權時所遇到的界限。在說明完福斯特寬容批判理論的基本立場,以及我們如何應用於宗教自由基本權衝突中後,本論文也將討論歐洲人權法院對十字架和頭巾的判決,本文將主張,面對宗教自由的問題,較好的解決方式還是以內國法的基本權保障為主。隨後,本論文將比較法哲學家亞圖・考夫曼(Arthur Kaufmann)和福斯特的寬容理論,本文認為,考夫曼把寬容原則放在社會正義的層次上,可幫助我們反思寬容在宗教自由以外問題的使用。本文將主張,考夫曼的寬容原則,搭配福斯特要求證成的權利以及林佳和對社會國原則的研究,可提供一個我們在憲政秩序內面對社會現實權力關係的應用可能。最後,藉由江玉林的法律考古學研究,以及溫蒂・布朗(Wendy Brown)和福斯特的辯論,本文將回過頭來反思,當我們在提倡寬容時,必須注意到寬容在國家中立原則出現的歷史上,更多扮演的是規訓而非解放的角色,且這種作用在當代依然存在。本文將主張,必須正視寬容可能存在的規訓面向,才能更好地理解如何將福斯特的理論應用於憲政秩序之中。 The concept of toleration has played a very important role in history, academia, and the public discourse of daily life, but its theory and practice are quite complicated. On the one hand, tolerance may serve as a personal virtue or as a political practice; on the other hand, tolerance may have the effect of promoting emancipation, or it may serve as a disciplinary technique in power relations. In view of this, this article intends to study on the critical theory of toleration of Rainer Forst, who is a leading scholar of the contemporary Frankfurt School, and explain how it discusses the concept, conception and criteria of toleration, as well as the critical examination of power relations in social reality. In addition, behind my research on Forst, my concern is how toleration is specifically applied in the legal domain. In this regard, this article will focus on the relationship between toleration and fundamental rights in the constitutional order.
In terms of structure, this thesis will first Draw on German Federal Constitutional Court`s crucifix decision and the first headscarf decision to illustrate how toleration is articulated in jurisprudence, judicial review and public discourse when it comes to fundamental rights conflicts. This thesis then discusses Forst`s critical theory of toleration. Forst’s main idea is that the moral foundation of justice is the right to justification, he then distinguishes four conceptions of toleration, in which he proposes the respect conception of toleration, which in his view is the best conception for the guarantee of the right to justification. After elaborating Forst`s theory, this thesis will illustrate how Forst uses his theory to examine crucifix decision, the first headscarf decision and the second headscarf decision, and what implications can Forst`s critical theory of toleration can provide for religious freedom’s jurisprudence. I will argue that the right to justification and the respect conception of toleration can be applied to human dignity and the precept of toleration, and the precept of toleration is the limit for legislators in limiting fundamental rights. This thesis will also discuss European Court of Human Rights’ decision on religious freedom, especially Dahlab v. Switzerland and Lautsi v. Italy. I will argue that when it comes to religious freedom’s issue, the better place to strike a balance in fundamental rights conflicts is domestic jurisdiction. This thesis then provide a comparison between legal philosophers Arthur Kaufmann and Rainer Forst. Kaufmann considers the principle of toleration as a principle to realize social justice, thus his theory can provide us implications of what role toleration play in cases in which the religious freedom is not the main concern. I will argue that Kaufmann`s principle of toleration, combined with Forst`s the right to justification and Jia-He Lin`s study of the principle of welfare state, can provide us a way to critically analyses the power relations in society. Finally, drawing on the legal archaeology of Yu-Lin Chiang and the debate between Wendy Brown and Rainer Forst, this thesis will illustrate that when advocating for toleration, it is important to note that toleration has played more of a disciplinary than an emancipating role in the history, especially at the time when state neutrality just about to emerge, and that thie disciplinary role toleration has played still exists in the contemporary society. I will argue that it is necessary to take the possible disciplinary aspects of toleration into full consideration in order to better understand how Forst`s theory can be applied to the constitutional order. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 110651067 |
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