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    Title: 中國對外自由貿易協定中環境條款之研究
    A Research on Environmental Clauses in China FTAs
    Authors: 鮑瑩菊
    Bao, Ying-Ju
    Contributors: 許耀明
    Hsu, Yao-Ming
    Bao, Ying-Ju
    Keywords: 永續發展
    Sustainable Development
    Trade and Environment
    Free Trade Agreement
    Environmental Clauses
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:25:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 伴隨著經濟全球化的發展,貿易自由化的程度進一步加強,各國間的貿易往
    來日益密切,促進了經濟快速發展。與此同時,環境問題日漸突出,並成為全人類共同面臨的巨大挑戰。各國逐漸開始關注自由貿易與環境保護的協調問題,不斷嘗試在二者之間找到一個平衡點,努力探索在經濟發展的同時兼顧環境保護的可行模式。GATT 1994(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT)第 XX 條規定了環境例外條款,美國是在自由貿易協定(Free Trade Agreement, FTA)中加入環境條款的先驅者。繼NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA)納入環境條款的成功突破後,在 FTA 中加入環境條款已經成為一種國際趨勢,各國紛紛在其簽訂的 FTA 中加入環境條款以促進環境目標的實現。美國、歐盟與其他國家簽訂 FTA 的環境條款均以環境專章為表現形式,且明確規定了環境爭端解決機制。跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定 (Comprehensive and
    Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, CPTPP)也設立了專門的、內容廣泛的環境章節。
    環境條款。例如中國與瑞士、中國與韓國 FTA 就加入了環境專章。一些升級後的 FTA 也增加了環境專章,如《中國-新加坡升級議定書》《中國-紐西蘭升級議定書》。中國的自由貿易協定環境條款歷經了從無到有、從簡單到豐富、從零散到聚集的過程。然而仍然存在立法模式沒有固定、實質內容規定較少、缺乏爭端解決機制等問題。本文重點分析中國對外 FTA 中環境條款的文本,總結中國 FTA環境條款的基本情況,指出其中的進步與不足,並結合中國實踐,提出完善中國FTA 環境條款的相關建議。
    With the development of economic globalization and the further strengthening of trade liberalization, trade between countries has become increasingly close, promoting
    rapid economic development. However, at the same time, environmental issues have become increasingly prominent and pose a significant challenge to all of humanity. Countries have gradually started to focus on the coordination between free trade and environmental protection, continuously attempting to find a balance and explore feasible models that consider both economic development and environmental protection. Article XX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994 provides for environmental exceptions, with the United States pioneering the inclusion of environmental clauses in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). Following the successful breakthrough of incorporating environmental clauses in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the inclusion of environmental clauses in
    FTAs has become an international trend, with countries incorporating such clauses in their signed FTAs to promote environmental goals.

    The environmental clauses in FTAs signed by the United States, the European Union, and other countries are expressed in the form of environmental chapters, which explicitly specify mechanisms for resolving environmental disputes. The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) has also established a dedicated and comprehensive environmental chapter.

    China actively participates in and signs numerous foreign FTAs, with an increasing number of agreements incorporating environmental clauses. For example, China-Switzerland FTA and China-South Korea FTA include dedicated environmental chapters. Upgraded FTAs, such as the "China-Singapore Upgrade Protocol" and the "China-New Zealand Upgrade Protocol" have also added environmental chapters. The development of environmental clauses in China`s FTAs has gone through a process from non-existent to existing, from simple to comprehensive, and from scattered to consolidated. However, challenges remain, such as the lack of a fixed legislative model, limited substantive content clauses, and the absence of dispute resolution mechanisms. This paper focuses on analyzing the text of China`s environmental clauses in FTAs, summarizes the basic situation of China`s FTA environmental clauses, identifies their progress and shortcomings, and provides relevant recommendations for improving China`s FTA environmental clauses, drawing on China`s practices.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108651070
    Data Type: thesis
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