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Title: | 私部門貪腐的背信適用暨商業賄賂立法評析 Analysis of breach of trust in Private Sector Corruption and Legislation |
Authors: | 鄭新翰 Cheng, Hsin-Han |
Contributors: | 楊雲驊 鄭新翰 Cheng Hsin-Han |
Keywords: | 商業賄賂 私部門貪腐 背信 違背任務行為 誠信服務詐欺 法益理論 回扣 賄賂 反貪腐公約 commercial bribery private sector corruption breach of trust breach of duty integrity service fraud legal interest theory kick back bribe UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION AGAINST CORRUPTION |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 16:24:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 現代資本社會中,公司的經營架構已非過往老闆即店長的個人獨資模式,大部分公司尤以上市櫃公司為大宗,均以所有經營分離制度經營,然而經營者在公司商業往來中基於人性的貪婪,為了私利無所不用其極,賄賂行為因此形成,商業往來間為了希冀獲取不正當利益而賄賂,近年來商業間賄賂案件層出不窮,實務上應如何處理商業賄賂問題即成為一大課題。 賄賂為行賄與收賄的雙向行為,實務上大部分的處理模式皆為以背信罪或金融特別法的特別背信罪論之,然而收賄是否就等同於背信?在我國對於何謂「違背任務」行為的判准尚未確立的情形下,恐怕難以回答這個問題。 是以,本文擬從企業經理人或員工收受回扣或賄賂的角度,首先介紹近年來實務上幾個就員工、經理人收受回扣或賄賂的案例,再對背信罪罪質與構成要件行為的定義重新建構,主要探討背信罪違背任務行為與收受賄賂、回扣的適用關聯,接著在立法論層次上,本文擬從貪腐的概念出發,先定義出何謂貪腐行為,何謂私部門貪腐,接著找尋私部門貪腐的侵害法益為何,再來最主要的就是立法必要性的問題,本文以聯合國反貪腐公約的規範與我國態度、經濟學對貪腐的觀點、法益理論等作為出發點,得出是否有就私部門貪腐另立刑事規範處罰的立法建議,作為本文結論。 In the modern capital society, the company`s business structure is no longer the sole proprietorship model of the boss or store manager in the past. Most companies, especially listed companies, operate under the system of separation of all operations. Bribery is formed because of greed, and they will do anything for personal gain. Bribery is formed in commercial transactions in the hope of obtaining illegitimate benefits. In recent years, commercial bribery cases have emerged in an endless stream. How to deal with commercial bribery in practice has become a major issue. Bribery is a two-way act of giving and receiving bribes. In practice, most of the handling methods are based on the crime of breach of trust or the special crime of breach of trust in the special financial law. However, is bribery the same as breach of trust? It may be difficult to answer this question when the criteria for conduct have not been established. Therefore, from the perspective of corporate managers or employees accepting kickbacks or bribes, this article first introduces several practical cases of employees and managers accepting kickbacks or bribes in recent years, and then defines the nature and constituent elements of the crime of breach of trust Reconstructing, mainly discussing the applicable relationship between the crime of breach of trust and accepting bribes and kickbacks, and then at the level of legislative theory, this article intends to start from the concept of corruption, first define what is corruption and what is corruption in the private sector, and then To find out why corruption in the private sector violates legal interests, and then the most important issue is the necessity of legislation. This article takes the norms of the United Nations Anti-Corruption Convention and China`s attitude, economic views on corruption, and legal interests as the starting point. It is the conclusion of this article whether there is any legislative proposal to establish separate criminal norms and penalties for corruption in the private sector. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 108651056 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108651056 |
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