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Title: | 我國法下健康保險之保前疾病相關爭議-以我國實務判決為中心 A Study on Disputes about The Pre-existing Conditions of Health Insurance under Taiwan’s Law: Focusing on Taiwan’s Court Decision |
Authors: | 彭家揚 Peng, Chia-Yang |
Contributors: | 葉啓洲 Yeh, Chi-Chou 彭家揚 Peng, Chia-Yang |
Keywords: | 健康保險 保前疾病 承保範圍 追溯保險 據實說明義務 對價衡平原則 Health Insurance Pre-existing Conditions Coverage Retrospective Insurance Duty of Disclosure Principle of Equivalence |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 16:24:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 健康保險中之保前疾病,於我國保險法下之相關規定,涉及之面向十分廣泛,且對契約當事人之權利義務影響甚鉅,若適用上有所不慎,將會導致嚴重的道德危險及對價衡平原則之破壞。惟我國保險法對於上開規範之制定上有諸多之缺漏,以致上開規範內容於適用上有許多矛盾及疊床架屋之情形,因此需對於條文之內容為進一步解釋,以確立個該條文之定位以及彼此間之關係為何。本文透過各該條文之立法及規範目的,並且參酌外國立法例,探討其規範之本質以及應如何適用,並進一步分析上開規範彼此之交錯適用。 保前疾病所涉及健康保險中之主要規範即為保險法第127條,以及學說和實務上時常一併論及之保險法第51條追溯保險規範。關於此二條文之適用,首先應判斷者即為保險事故之發生時點時否為契約生效前,實務及學說上對於此一事實應如何認定即有不同之見解。其後,關於此二規範彼此間之關係為何以及應如何為適用,則須先就此二條文各自之性質及定位為何予以分析,並於確立其各自之要件及規範對象後再進行討論。 此外,保前疾病亦時常涉及保險契約中據實說明義務違反之問題。關於我國保險法據實說明義務之規範內容,於學說及實務上已存有許多爭議,需先確立此規範之基本要件及效力為何,再進而探討保前疾病於違反據實說明義務情形下之適用。而我國據實說明義務所存在之諸多規範缺陷中,與健康保險保前疾病問題相關者,主要為保險人之調查義務未為明確規範、對惡意違反據實說明義務者過度保護及欠缺保險人契約調整權制度。本文對於此等缺陷與保前疾病相關爭議之關係及對於健康保險可能造成之影響將進行說明,並統整學說上之批評及修正建議。 關於上開規範於實務上係如何為適用,以及於適用上存在哪些爭議,亦為值得關注之重點。因此,對於實務上相關爭議案例中,其如適用上開規範之要件和效力,以及如何認定各該條文間之關係,應有深入討論之必要。最後,本文試就上開因現行法缺漏所致之各項問題提出修正建議,以期能避免相關爭議再次發生。 The relevant articles about the pre-existing conditions under Taiwan’s Insurance Act involve a wide range of aspects, and have a great impact on the rights and obligations of contract parties. If it is applied carelessly, it will lead to serious moral hazard and the destruction of the principle of equivalence. However, there are many omissions in the establishment of Taiwan’s Insurance Act, resulting in many contradictions and overlapped situations in the application of the relevant articles. Therefore, the content of these articles should be further explained to establish the positioning of these articles and the relationship between them. Through the purposes of these articles, and with reference to foreign law, this study discusses the essence of the articles and how to apply them, and further analyzes the cross-application of these articles. The main article of health insurance related to pre-existing conditions is Article 127 of the Insurance Act, and Article 51 of the Insurance Act is often discussed together in theory and practice. With regard to the application of these two articles, it should first be judged whether the time of occurrence of the insured peril is before the contract takes effect, and there are different views on how to determine this fact in practice and theory. Subsequently, as to the relationship between these two articles and how they should be applied, the essence and positioning of these two articles should be analyzed first, and their constituent elements and objects of application should be established before further discussion. In addition, the pre-existing conditions often involves a breach of duty of disclosure in an insurance contract. There are many disputes in theory and practice about the article content of duty of disclosure in Taiwan’s Insurance Act. It is necessary to establish the basic constituent elements and effect of the article, and then discuss the application of the pre-existing conditions in the cases involve violation of the duty of disclosure. Among the many normative defects of the duty of disclosure in Taiwan’s Insurance Act, the main problems related to the pre-existing conditions are the insurer`s investigation obligation is not explicitly stipulated, the malicious violation of the duty of disclosure is over-protected and the lack of insurer’s contract adjustment right. This study will explain the relationship between these defects and the disputes related to the pre-existing conditions, and their possible impact on health insurance, and then summarize the theoretical criticisms and suggestions for amendment. It is also important to note how these articles are applied in practice and what disputes exist in its application. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss in depth the constituent elements and effects of these articles and how to identify the relationship between them in the relevant disputes in practice. At last, this study tries to put forward some suggestions for amendment base on the problems caused by the existing articles, so as to avoid these disputes from happening again. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 108651039 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108651039 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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