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Title: | 高等教育國際化與學生流動經驗之研究:以疫情下台灣與芬蘭之大學為例 A Study on the Internationalization and Student Mobility in Higher Education: Cases from one Taiwan’s and one Finland’s University during the Pandemic |
Authors: | 陳姵彣 Chen, Pei-Wen |
Contributors: | 侯永琪 Hou, Yung-Chi 陳姵彣 Chen, Pei-Wen |
Keywords: | 高等教育 國際化 學生流動 台灣 芬蘭 Higher education Internationalization Student mobility Taiwan Finland |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 16:17:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在全球化浪潮下,國際化成為高教重要的發展方向,然而2020年因為疫情的衝擊,邊境關閉及實體交流受限的狀況下,使得國際間的交流及流動計畫皆被迫取消、延後或採用虛擬型態來做為替代方式,在這波巨大的變革下,也考驗著各國高教如何因應及發展國際化,因此本篇研究期望把握這次機會,透過台灣與芬蘭兩所大學作為研究對象,由政策制定與執行者的角度與學生的觀點,來了解疫情下(1)兩國高教的國際化發展,與目前高教國際化五發展變化的異同與影響,探討(2)兩校學生流動計畫發展與疫情帶來的影響,及比較(3)兩校學生在疫情下進行國際流動之跨文化學習與適應歷程。研究結果發現(1)兩國高教國際化發展皆朝向全面化、整合在地國際化、重視成果與影響力、培育國際公民的責任以及區域整合發展,但也因並受疫情影響,開啟虛實整合模式的討論;(2)兩校學生流動計畫則受到疫情的推動,疫情後的學生參與人數劇烈回升,並開創了虛擬流動的嘗試與合作模式;(3)相較於虛擬流動的課程學習性質強烈,兩校學生皆偏好實體流動的文化體驗與交流,並透過在跨文化情境覺察的文化差異中理解、適應與整合,並受不同文化脈絡成長與自我認知影響,形成不同的適應歷程。此外,兩國作為非英語系國家在發展國際化的過程中也面臨行政支持與職員國際化不足、學院國際化差異、國際生與本地生互動少等共通的挑戰,但同時台灣高教面臨基礎建設的完善及語言能力落差問題,芬蘭高教則因組織重組需改善內部溝通及新政府國際化態度挑戰。而疫情雖帶來虛擬模式的可能性,但也考驗高教在後疫時代下如何建置相關制度以確保虛擬化的品質,以持續拓展高教國際化的機會。 Under the wave of globalization, internationalization has become an important direction for higher education. However, in 2020, the pandemic led to border closures and limited physical exchanges, resulting in the cancellation and postponement but adoption of the virtual form as an alternative for international mobility programs. At the same time, this tremendous change also tested how higher education can respond to and continue developing internationalization. Therefore, this study aims to seize this opportunity by using one university in Taiwan and one in Finland as the research cases with two perspectives of policymakers and faculty members, and students (1) to analyze the development of internationalization in the two higher education under the pandemic based on the five crucial stages in IHE, (2) to explore the impact of the pandemic on student mobility programs in two schools, and (3) to compare students’ multicultural learning and adaptation process between virtual and physical mobility during the covid.
The results of the study show that (1) the internationalization policies of higher education in both countries are following the five development stages and opening a new trend in virtual and physical integration after the covid, (2) the student mobility programs in two schools are promoted by the pandemic with the rapidly rising in student participation after the covid and the virtual mobility is enhanced during the covid, and (3) compared to virtual learning, students in both universities prefer physical mobility to achieve the multicultural experience and to be profoundly aware of cultural differences to form different adaptation processes under their own cultural contexts.
In addition, as non-English-speaking countries, the two higher education systems face common challenges in the development of internationalization but also have their own problems: Taiwan needs to improve the infrastructure and solve the English language gap in higher education while Finland has to increase internal communication and response to the new government’s attitude toward internationalization. Last but not least, although the pandemic has brought the possibility of the virtual model, it also examines how higher education establishes relevant systems to ensure the quality of virtualization in the post-epidemic era so as to expand opportunities for internationalization in higher education. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育學系 109152010 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109152010 |
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