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    Title: 教保服務人員核心職能指標建構與應用之研究 – 以北北基教保服務人員為例
    Constructing and Applying Core Competency Indicators for Preschool Educators in Taiwan- Taking Taipei Metropolitan Area as an Example
    Authors: 鍾玉婷
    Chung, Yu-Ting
    Contributors: 郭昭佑
    Guo, Chao-Yu
    Chung, Yu-Ting
    Keywords: 教保服務人員
    Preschool educator
    Core competency indicators
    Fuzzy Delphi Method
    Importance-performance analysis
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:16:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 世界先進各國皆高度重視幼兒教育之共識下,2019年台灣二至五歲幼兒就讀幼兒園比例高達68%,教保服務人員既為落實學前教育之舵手,識別其核心職能自有其必要性,然相關指標尚付闕如;是以本研究經文獻分析,初構教保服務人員核心職能指標;經以「適切性評估」暨「模糊德菲法」專家問卷進行指標增刪與修正,建構「教保服務人員核心職能指標」;續以分層立意取樣問卷調查426位任職北北基幼兒園之教保服務人員,經重要程度-表現情形 (IPA) 分析,據以了解其對指標重要程度之看法及表現情形之現況,茲將本研究發現分述如下:

    In 2019, as many as 68% of children aged 2-5 in Taiwan attended preschool, and the importance of preschool educators cannot be overstated. Therefore, this study aimed to construct a set of core competency indicators for preschool educators in Taiwan. The core competency indicators for preschool educators can be used as a guide to assess preschool educators’ core competency level and serve as the foundation for developing preschool educator training program. This study also used the importance-performance analysis (IPA) to probe into the relationship between the degree of recognition and the degree of conformity of preschool educators’ core competencies in Taipei City, New Taipei City and Keelung City, and finally analyzes the relationship between various background variables and the core competencies of preschool educators.
    Employing a theoretical framework, this study drafted preschool educators core competency dimensions, subdimensions and indicators from reviewing related literature. During the item development process, an appropriate assessment and the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) were applied to select indicators. Consequently, a set of core competency indicators for preschool educators in Taiwan were constructed, which include four dimensions, nine sub-dimensions and 45 indicators. Additionally, the researcher collected 426 validated questionnaires from preschool educators in Taipei Metropolitan area to review their response to core competencies. IPA was used to analyze preschool educators’ cognition of the importance and performance of The Core Competency Indicators for Preschool Educators.
    Based on the analysis of the result of the study, the conclusions are provided as below:

    1. The Core Competency Indicators for Preschool Educators in Taiwan constructed by this research are divided into four dimensions with nine sub-dimensions and 45 indicators.
    2. The preschool educators consider “Other Characteristics” to be the most important dimension, and “Attitude” to be the least important one.
    3. “Attitude” is the best performance of the preschool educators, and “Knowledge” needs to be strengthened the most.
    4. There are significant differences in the performance and importance of “background variables” in some “Core Competency Indicators for Preschool Educators”.
    5. Four items in the high importance but low performance quadrant that should be the first priority to improve are “Knowledge of Early Childhood Assessment”, “Motivation skills for preschoolers”, “Skills of risk management” and “Problem solving skills”. Ten in low-importance and high-performance quadrant, 14 in high-importance and high-performance quadrant and 17 in low-importance and low-performance quadrant.
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