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    题名: 我國綠色保險商品與監理之研究
    A Study on Green Insurance Product and Supervision
    作者: 王依蓮
    Wang, Yi-Lian
    贡献者: 彭金隆
    Peng, Jin-Lung
    关键词: 綠色保險
    Insurance Commodity Supervision
    Green Insurance
    Sustainable Finance
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-09-01 16:07:05 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 過去20年間成就許多改變,企業不再以營利為唯一目的,氣候變遷的快速惡化迫使人們高度重視永續發展議題,掌握大眾資金的金融業獲得能影響世界向永續或經濟發展的天秤兩端流動的機會,而保險業也在損失預防與控制上輔導及支持各行各業發展—綠色保險應運而生。


    In the past 20 years, businesses no longer have profit as their sole purpose. The deterioration of climate change has forced people to attach importance to sustainable development. The financial industry affects the world`s sustainable or economic development within controlled public funds, and insurance industry provides support for the development of various industries in loss prevention and control—green insurance comes out. This study sorts out the relationship between climate change to sustainable finance, as corporate social responsibility and ESG, and its application in green insurance. From the perspectives of operation, service, and commodity, it is found that the development process of green insurance products is difficult to handle due to the restrictions of regulations and market mechanisms. This study redefines green insurance product as an insurance product that is beneficial to the development of ESG goals. And it is classified according to the core, sub-core, and quasi-insurance products defined by this study. Among them, the core insurance product is most valuable.

    This study finds out the current norms, encouragement, and obstacles of insurance product supervision regulations. Finds that only a small number of insurance products enjoy the exemption mechanism. Micro-insurance or agricultural insurance has expanded its development scale due to sound legal planning. In conclusion, it is proposed that green insurance products should be clearly defined, new types of products should be given flexible development periods, incentive mechanisms should be provided, restrictions and prohibitions should be specified. Hope to provide some framework for future green insurance development.
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