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Title: | 巒群布農語在不同世代的焦點系統使用研究 The Inter-Generational Use of Voice System in Takbanuaz Bunun |
Authors: | 潘思妤 Pan, Ssu-Yu |
Contributors: | 戴智偉 De Busser, Rik 潘思妤 Pan, Ssu-Yu |
Keywords: | 焦點系統 跨世代 巒群布農語 社會語言學 語言變遷 Voice system Inter-generation Takbanuaz Bunun Sociolinguistics Language change |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 16:02:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文探討台灣中部的布農語方言"巒群布農語"中,焦點系統中四種語態在不同年齡群體中的使用情況。研究方法包括田野考察中的語言搜集、問卷設計、資料收集與分析,主旨在揭示語態系統的在不同年齡層的使用狀況和使用差別。 本研究的主要聚焦於觀察不同年齡群體在動詞使用時所使用的語態分佈情況。我們同時分析了年輕一代是否正在失去使用不同語態的能力,並探討了影響語言表現的背景因素,特別是與語態系統知識相關的可能因素。為了回答這些問題,我們使用實證調查的方法進行研究。 研究分析發現,30歲以下的大多數參與者認為中文是他們的母語,並且他們普遍更喜歡使用主動語態。此外,隨著年齡的降低,不同語態標記的使用趨勢逐漸減弱。此外,在參與者回答短文題並描述兩幅圖片時,他們傾向於使用更多帶有主動語態為前綴的詞語,但以主動語態和被動語態組成的詞語的數量保持相似。最有趣的是,在比較60歲以上或30至60歲之間的參與者和30歲以下的參與者時,後者提供的方位語態和工具語態形式較少。然而,根據多項選擇題的詞彙數據,主動語態是最常被選擇的語態,其次是工具語態,再其次是被動語態。方位語態的使用非常罕見,顯示出使用不同語態的頻率存在顯著差異,其中主動語態是最常用的,方位語態是最少使用的。 This thesis evaluates the usage of four voice types in different age groups in Takbanuaz Bunun, a Bunun dialect spoken in central Taiwan. The research involves language elicitation during field trips, questionnaire design, data collection, and analysis, aiming to understand how the voice system has evolved over time. The primary focus of our research is to observe the usage and distribution of voices in dynamic verbs among different age groups. We also analyze whether younger generations are losing the ability to use different voices and explore the background factors that influence language performance with regard to the voice system. Our investigation relies on empirical data to answer these questions. Our analysis reveals that the majority of participants under 30 consider Mandarin as their first language, and they generally prefer to use the agent voice. Moreover, the use of diverse voice markers weakens as age decreases. Additionally, during free speech tasks describing two pictures, participants tend to use more words with the agent-voice (AV) prefix, while the number of different forms of AV and patient-voice (PV) remains similar. Interestingly, when comparing participants aged above 60 or between 30 and 60 to those below 30, the latter provide fewer varieties of locative-voice (LV) and instrumental-voice (IV) forms. However, according to the tokens from multiple-choice questions, AV is the most frequently chosen voice type, followed by IV and then PV. LV is rarely used, indicating a significant discrepancy in the frequency of using different voices, with AV being the most commonly used and LV being the least used. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 語言學研究所 106555010 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106555010 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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