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Title: | 從國際法規範看俄烏武裝衝突 On Russia-Ukraine Armed Conflict from Perspectives of Norms of International Law |
Authors: | 江昱嫺 Chiang, Yu-Hsien |
Contributors: | 許耀明 Hsu, Yao-Ming 江昱嫺 Chiang, Yu-Hsien |
Keywords: | 俄烏武裝衝突 禁止使用武力 自衛權 人道干預 國際刑事法院 侵略罪 Russia-Ukraine armed conflict Non-use of force Self-defense Humanitarian intervention International criminal court Crime of aggression |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:58:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 西元2022年2月24日俄羅斯以「特別軍事行動」之名,在烏克蘭境內展開與烏克蘭的武裝衝突,歷時一年餘尚未落幕,且引發全球關注。 此論文從聯合國《聯合國憲章》禁止使用武力原則出發,探討禁止使用武力原則及其例外、武裝衝突法之原則,以及如果違反前開規範時,聯合國國際法院、國際刑事法院能如何因應及處理。 並在稍事回顧近代俄羅斯與烏克蘭關係的變化,以及發生此次武裝衝突的可能原因後,以俄羅斯總統普丁之演說內容所提及之理由,檢視此次俄烏武裝衝突,是否符合現今關於武力使用之規範。 最後觀察聯合國大會及安全理事會、聯合國國際法院,以及西元2002年設立之國際刑事法院,目前對於俄羅斯之「特別軍事行動」有何具體的回應及作為,以及該等作為是否具有成效。 On February 24, 2022, Russia launched an armed conflict with Ukraine under the name of "special military operation" on Ukrainian territory, which has been more than a year and hasn`t ended, and attract global attention. This thesis tries to review the principle of non-use of force and its exceptions, the principles of the law of armed conflict, and how the United Nations International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court respond and deal with violations of the previous norms. After briefly reviewing the changes in the relationship between Russia and Ukraine in modern times and the possible causes for this armed conflict, we will observe whether the current Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict is lawful to the norms for the exceptions to the use of force, based on the reasons mentioned in Russian President Vladimir Putin`s speech. And we will observe the actions of the United Nations General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court established in 2002 to Russia`s "special military operations", and whether these actions are effective. |
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