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    题名: 21 世紀初尼加拉瓜的移民:2001-2020
    Migration in Nicaragua in the early 21st century: 2001-2020
    作者: 劉大偉
    Gonzalez, David Benjamin Lara
    贡献者: 周惠民
    Chou, Whei-Ming.
    David Benjamin Lara Gonzalez
    关键词: 尼加拉瓜
    push and pull
    socioeconomic factors
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-09-01 15:52:43 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 自發現美洲以來,尼加拉瓜經歷了人口外流,主要是外來移民。 本研究的目的是了解 21 世紀前 20 年的移民情況。因此,確定了影響和乾擾地理搬遷決策過程的因素,即經濟、社會、政治和個人推動因素,包括 GDP、 GDP 增長、失業率、基尼指數等。 推拉因素理論的應用對於本研究的完成至關重要
    Since the discovery of America, Nicaragua has experience outflow of people, mainly emigrants. The objective of this research is to understand migration for the first 20 years of the century 21. Hence, factors that influence and interfere in the decision making process of geographical relocation namely economic, social, political and individual push factors were identified which include GDP, GDP growth, unemployment, Gini index among others. The application of the push and pull factor theory was vital for this completion of this research.
    參考文獻: References
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106926022
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