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Title: | 聚落歷史民族誌的典範: 測繪台灣台北盆地的土地神祠 A Paradigm in the Ethnography of Settlement History: Mapping Earth Deity Shrines in the Taipei Basin, Taiwan |
Authors: | 莫詹姆 Morris, James Xavier |
Contributors: | 詹進發 Jan, Jihn-fa Andy 莫詹姆 Morris, James Xavier |
Keywords: | 數位人文學 地神 地理資訊系統 台北盆地 台灣遺產 台灣歷史 土地公 GIS digital humanities earth deity geographic information systems GIS Taipei basin Taiwan heritage Taiwan history Tudi Gong |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:52:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 這是對台北盆地地神(土地公)神祠的研究,以測試一種識別台灣社區當地歷史和遺產資訊的模型。本研究提出了一種觀察典範,其根基為祭祀社區、土地基礎以及地神做為社區組織關鍵的角色之間的關係。台灣的本土遺產經歷了一個多世紀來自現代化和政治力量的邊緣化及破壞,但地神祠堂在全島的普遍性和永久性,表明它們可能是草根遺產保護和復興工作的理想工具。與這些神祠相關的儀式過程,產生了這種觀察典範所欲檢測的遺產證據,包括民間傳說、象徵性言語行為,以及社區與其土地基地之關係的相關文物。為了理解這種關係,採用了數位人文學的多學科方法,利用結構主義、後結構主義和多元民族學視角,以及地理資訊系統(GIS)工具。為了檢測這一新模型,從 2015 年至 2023 年間收集了台灣北部總共 636 個土地神祠(其中 627 個位於台北盆地)的資料。本研究提出了時空趨勢的發現、土地基礎關係和模式的證據,以及神祠案例研究。為了將這些發現結合起來,對台北盆地的歷史、土地組織、政治經濟和聚落歷史進行了廣泛的文獻綜述,並對台灣土地神的供奉和祭祀社區社會組織的發展進行了概述。這項研究的結果是明確的,顯示調查遺產證據的典範對於識別當地歷史敘述具有實用性。本研究在土地神祠中發現的證據不僅證實了有關台北歷史發展的已知資訊,而且這些神祠已經開始產生有關鮮為人知的事件和不明歷史現象的新資訊。 This is a study of earth deity (Tudi Gong, 土地公) shrines in the Taipei basin to test a model that identifies local history and heritage information in Taiwanese communities. The research presents a paradigm of looking based on the relation between the worship community, the land base, and the earth deity’s role as a linchpin for communal organization. Taiwan’s local heritage has endured more than a century of marginalization and demolition by the forces of modernization and politics, but the ubiquity and permanence of earth deity shrines across the island suggest that they may be the ideal tool for grassroots heritage preservation and revival efforts. Ritual processes associated with these shrines produce heritage evidence that this paradigm of looking is testing for, including folklore, symbolic speech acts, and artifacts associated with the community’s relation with their land base. To understand this relationship, a multidisciplinary approach in the digital humanities has been employed, using structuralist, post-structuralist, and pluriversal ethnological perspectives and geographic information systems (GIS) tools. To test this new model, data has been collected between 2015 and 2023 from a total of 636 earth deity shrines in northern Taiwan (627 being in the Taipei basin). The research presents findings of spatiotemporal trends, evidence of land base relations and patterns, and shrine case studies. To contextualize these findings, an extensive literature review covering the history of the Taipei basin, its land organization, political economy, and settlement history is given, as is an overview of the development of earth deity veneration, and worship community social organization found on Taiwan. The results of this study are positive, indicating that the paradigm investigating heritage evidence has utility for identifying local level historical narratives. Evidence identified at earth deity shrines in this study not only corroborates what is known about Taipei’s historical development, but these shrines have begun to yield new information about little-known events and unidentified historical phenomena. |
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