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    Title: 西爪哇移民工人之留守兒童的挑戰與社會支持
    Challenges and Social Support for Left-Behind Children of Migrant Workers in West Java
    Authors: 于麗娜
    Gusman, Yuherina
    Contributors: 邱炫元
    Syuan-yuan Chiou
    Yuherina Gusman
    Keywords: 留守兒童
    left-behind children
    social support
    transnational public-private partnership
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:52:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 全球大約有 2.58 億的國際移民以難民身份永久居住或以移民工人身份暫時居留於世界各地。國際移民有59%為移民工人,其中,女性移民將近41.6%。女性外出務工的主要原因是為了獲得改善家中經濟狀況進而改善生活質量的機會,儘管她們必須離開家人與孩子。很多移民工人的孩子因而受到正負兩面的影響。現有的研究主要集中在於父母外出務工對留守孩子的教育以及身心健康狀態產生的負面影響。研究結果發現,母親外出務工所帶來的負面影響高於其正面效應。因該負面影響導致社會對外出務工的母親與留守兒童留下不好的印象。留守兒童的行為不端被認為是外出務工的母親的錯誤,並給留守兒童貼上負面標籤。社會亦擔心留守兒童會對其他孩子帶來負面影響。
    本研究針對台灣和印度尼西亞西爪哇省兩地進行定性研究方法。台灣是最受印尼移民工人歡迎的工作地之一; 2019年,大約有276.181萬名印尼籍移工來台工作,其中以爪哇東部的人數最多,尤其是來自南安由(Indramayu)縣的移民工人。在台灣,40%的印尼籍移民工人來自南安由(Indramayu)縣。 因此,本論文研究著重於自南安由(Indramayu)縣。本研究進行三次實地觀察以收集與測量數據。第一次於2019年在萬隆(Bandung)、雅加達(Jakarta)及南安由(Indramayu)進行實地觀察;第二次於2020年11月至2021年6月 在台灣進行實地觀察;第三次於2022年8月在南安由(Indramayu)縣兩區-格爾答賽瑪雅(Kertasemaya)與凱南加(Kenanga)進行實地觀察。研究發現,社會支持對移民工人及其留守兒童非常重要,然而資源仍然不足。為解決移民過程中所出現的問題,尤其在育兒方面,建立跨國合作及公共私營夥伴關係是必須的。
    Approximately 258 million people were estimated to migrate globally to various parts of the globe to live permanently as refugees or stay temporarily as migrant workers. The majority of the migrant population is migrant workers (59%), and nearly 41.6% are women. Better economic opportunities are the main reason these women migrate, even though they have to leave their families and children left- behind. Consequently, both positive and negative impacts occur to the left-behind children. Concerning the negative effects of migration on left-behind children, existing research largely focuses on the children`s education, health, and psychological well-being. The findings have shown that undesirable outcomes due to the migration of mothers were higher than the positive impacts. The results caused negative stereotypes for both migrant mothers and left-behind children. Mothers were blamed for causing adverse effects on the left-behind children, and the children were labeled as problematic children. The society also feared that left-behind children would negatively influence the other children.
    This study examines related social policies developed by the Indonesian government to support migrant families, especially regarding the children`s welfare and social safety network concerns. In 2045, Indonesia will experience a demographic surplus, with an estimated 209 million productive age among 321 million of the total population. This large population will become a double-edged sword, especially when the productive age population is of good quality, positively contributing to the country. However, when contrarily, they will become another burden for the country. In the future, the left-behind children of migrant workers will be a part of the productive age generation. As the findings of previous research emphasized, the negative impact of mother migration on left-behind children was more significant than the positive impact; the government intervention is needed to assist the children not to become a burden but instead become part of the nation`s hope.
    Additionally, this study aims to examine the social support received by the children of migrant workers by the government and communities. The existing research regarding social support in migrant studies only focuses on parents as the subject, and limited studies specifically discussed social support for the left-behind children. The investigation concerning society`s role in left-behind children of migrant workers, particularly from the faith-based institution, is expected to contribute to this study.
    This study uses qualitative methods conducted in Taiwan and West Java, Indonesia. Taiwan is one of the favorite destination countries for Indonesian migrant workers; approximately 276,181 migrant workers worked in Taiwan in 2019. West Java is the province that consigns the highest number of Indonesian migrant workers, especially from the Indramayu district. In Taiwan, 40% of Indonesian migrant workers come from Indramayu. Due to these facts, Indramayu was determined as the central location of this study. Three of fieldwork were designed for data collection; the first fieldwork was in August 2019 in Bandung, Jakarta, and Indramayu; the second fieldwork was from November 2020 to June 2021 in Taiwan, and the third fieldwork was from January to August 2022 in two villages in Indramayu namely Kertasemaya and Kenanga. The research found that social support is substantial for migrant workers and their left-behind children, but resources are still inadequate. A transnational public-private partnership is needed to resolve the challenge that appear during migration, especially on parenting issues.
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