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Title: | 公共服務沙盒試驗促進協力創新之研究-以交通部「噗噗共乘」計畫為例 Research on Public Service Sandbox and Verification to Promote Collaborative Innovation: A Case Study of “BUBU Car Sharing” Program from the Ministry of Transportation and Communication |
Authors: | 徐瑜涓 Hsu, Yu-Chuan |
Contributors: | 張鎧如 徐瑜涓 Hsu, Yu-Chuan |
Keywords: | 協力創新 公共服務沙盒 試驗政策 噗噗共乘計畫 : Collaborative Innovation Public Service Sandbox Pilot Policy BUBU Car Sharing program |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:52:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著循證風潮的興起,許多政府部門開始藉由政策設計,於政策執行前先以透過試辦或是實驗了解政策的可行性,同時提升政策實行的掌握度。面對偏鄉交通的難題,交通部於2018年提出「噗噗共乘」計畫,希望藉由公共服務沙盒此一政策工具的採用進行政策試驗,讓公私部門協力合作,創造公共創新成果,以改善偏鄉交通的困境。 本研究試圖從噗噗共乘計畫下探討政策行動者彼此如何藉由協力,開啟公共服務沙盒的創新試驗。基於此,研究以Sørensen與Torfing(2011)提出的協力創新模型為基礎並參考Jenik 和 Lauer(2017)之沙盒治理因素,透過次級資料分析與深度訪談法蒐集相關資料,希冀回答研究問題。研究發現噗噗共乘計畫運用公共服務沙盒實施協力創新之契機源自於經驗累積與政策窗開啟,而影響協力創新互動的關鍵包含事前的需求調查與公所的參與意願,研究除了依Sørensen與Torfing(2011)所提出的文化、體制、內外部組織、身分障礙中整理計畫協力創新過程所遭遇的八項阻礙,也額外新增了資源障礙,並發現突發狀況的產生將致使協力障礙更加嚴重,影響協力創新過程。此外,透過訪談也歸納影響協力創新的十四項沙盒治理因素。 經由訪談資料的交叉分析,研究也發現公共服務沙盒試驗將有助於緩解協力創新過程面臨的阻礙,尤其是文化、體制與身分上所遭遇的協力困境。然而,噗噗共乘計畫屬於試驗性質,鑒於試驗計畫的後續將轉型、落地抑或是終止端視情況的不同而有所區別。未來噗噗共乘計畫將轉型成幸福巴士2.0,轉型過程之中將有哪些改變,以及計畫成果所帶來的共享效應與機制如何發展,仍有賴後續的追蹤與觀察。基於上述,研究也分別針對實務運作與政策轉型提出幾點政策建議,希望可以讓該公共創新成果真正落實並發揮共享與擴散的效果。 With the rise of evidence-based practices, many government departments have started to conduct pilot tests before implementing policies to understand their feasibility and enhance the grasp of policy execution. Rural transportation faces challenges due to rugged terrain, regulatory restrictions, and limited resources, hindering effective public services. In 2018, the Ministry of Transportation and Communication proposed the "BUBU Car Sharing" Program, hoping to experiment with policy initiatives through the adoption of the public service sandbox and facilitating collaboration between public and private sectors to create innovative results that improve rural transportation. The study explores how policy actors collaborate through the BUBU Car Sharing Program. Building upon the collaborative innovation model by Sørensen and Torfing (2011) and considering sandbox governance factors by Jenik and Lauer (2017), the study analyzes secondary data and conducts in-depth interviews. Our findings show that the implementation of collaborative innovation through the public service sandbox in the BUBU Car Sharing Program arose from past experience and favorable policy opportunities. Key factors influencing collaboration include prior requirement investigation and local district offices` willingness to participate. In addition to the eight barriers identified by Sørensen and Torfing (2011) including culture, institutions, internal and external organizations, and identity barriers, the study also adds resource barriers. Moreover, it reveals that the emergence of unexpected situations intensifies collaboration obstacles, impacting the collaborative innovation process. Furthermore, through interviews, the study identifies fourteen sandbox governance factors that influence collaborative innovation. Through cross-analysis and discussion of interview data, it is revealed that the public service sandbox trials can help mitigate obstacles in the collaborative innovation process, particularly those related to cultural, institutional, and identity challenges. However, the BUBU Car Sharing Program remains a pilot policy, and its subsequent transformation, implementation, or termination will depend on various circumstances. The future transformation of the program into "Happiness Car 2.0" and the development of sharing effects and mechanisms resulting from the program`s outcomes require further monitoring and observation. Based on the above, several policy recommendations are proposed for practical operations and policy transformation, aiming to facilitate the effective implementation and dissemination of this public innovation. |
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