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    Title: Media Pitch — 隱而未見的醫藥策動報導:行動者網絡取徑之研究
    On Media Pitch: Explorative Research on Indiscernible Health Reporting Activities
    Authors: 唐如怡
    Tang, Ju-Yi
    Contributors: 陳百齡
    Chen, Pai-Lin
    Tang, Ju-Yi
    Keywords: 策動報導
    Media pitch
    Health reporting
    Actor Network Theory
    Public relations
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:49:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Media Pitch中文譯為「策動報導」,意指公關行銷人員吸引及激勵記者主動在媒體露出報導的一種方式。臺灣醫藥產業受到政府高度管制,藥品從上市前到上市後的行銷都受相關法規規範,不同級別的藥品行銷或廣告在規範中也有程度上區別,其目的都是為了保護民眾的健康與安全,可是,醫藥產業也熱切期盼獲得媒體露出。媒體露出類型包括付費媒體、贏得媒體、分享媒體、自有媒體,除了常用的廣告和業配宣傳方式外,策動報導亦為贏得媒體宣傳和曝光的一種方法,透過吸引記者的題材以策動媒體記者主動報導。本研究將從行動者網絡理論(Actor Network Theory)視角分析醫藥新聞策動報導過程中的脈絡。行動者網絡理論闡述人類和非人類的互動並創建網絡結構,呼籲人與物之間建立對等的關係。透過行動者網絡視角看醫藥策動報導過程的脈絡,有助於閱聽人了解策動報導背後運作的樣貌。大眾溝通由一個診斷事件或醫療問題開始,透過目標、切角、手段的設定,展開教育公眾的歷程。透過行動者網絡的視角,我們看到醫藥策動報導中人與非人的互動模式、建構了異質網絡、透過轉譯及位移的脈絡連結不同利益關係人,所有的事務皆在連結網中萌生關係,由人與非人的行動者共同協力完成。本研究以一個新的視角去觀察醫藥策動報導隱而未見的社會實踐,並彙整受訪者對於策動報導不同的定義及見解。
    “Media Pitch” is one of the methods used to attract journalists and motivate them to actively report in media from public relations. Taiwan’s pharmaceutical industry is limited legally by government. Launching a campaign for new medications is restricted by relevant laws and regulations. The promotion for different classes of medications are differentiated in degrees within the regulations in Taiwan. The purpose is for protecting the public`s health and safety. However, Taiwan’s pharmaceutical industry also expect eagerly for some media exposure. PESO is a media model strategy that stands for paid, earned, shared and owned media. Besides advertisement and advertorial, media pitch is a way to gain media publicity and exposure through topics that attract journalists. This study expounds the application of Actor Network Theory(ANT) in health reporting by paying attention to human and non-human to develop attachments with one another to create network structures and calls for a symmetrical relationship between people and objects. Analyzing the relationship between pharmaceutical marketing and the ANT can help audience to deep into the indiscernible health reporting activities. Communication with the public begins with a diagnostic event or health issues, and through the setting of goals, establishing angles, and providing means, the process of educating the public gradually unfolds. Through the lens of ANT, human and non-human form a heterogeneous network in the process of health reporting and they interact in shifting networks of relationships. This study provides a new perspective to explore the various components of health reporting in social practice. The researcher also established that interviewees had multiple definitions or opinions for media pitch.
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