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Title: | 飲食評論工作者的形塑之路——從傳統到數位媒體的轉向 Restaurant Reviews on the Rise: From Ordinary Foodies to Professional Food Critics |
Authors: | 劉怡安 Liu, Yi-Ann |
Contributors: | 林怡潔 Lin, Yi-Chieh 劉怡安 Liu, Yi-Ann |
Keywords: | 飲食評論 專業知能 分散智能 默會知識 飲食資本 品味 Restaurant reviews Professional knowledge and competency Distributed intelligence Tacit knowledge Culinary capital Taste |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:49:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 一九八〇、九〇年代隨著經濟成長,臺灣的報紙副刊和雜誌專欄的飲食評論書寫越發興盛,也引導大眾追求飲食文化品質的提升與消費慾望。而在2000年以後部落格和社群平台科技的出現,讓喜愛美食的一般大眾,亦能以平民記者般的身份在網路上記錄、發表個人的用餐經驗,改寫過往從報社等媒體由上而下的發聲機制,而進入百家爭鳴的全民書寫美食的時代。網路上,越來越多即便無餐飲背景也未受過專業採訪編輯訓練的人,仍能非常主動提出自己對飲食的評論,有些人因此成為網路上的意見領袖,但也並非人人皆能成功。從現象出發,本研究以專業知能概念出發,探討不同時代脈絡與科技脈絡下,傳統與數位媒體世代崛起的飲食評論工作者從新手到專業化的過程,並討論其品味的培養、飲食資本(culinary capital)或文化資本(cultural capital)的累積過程,如何讓其得以取得飲食文化評論意見領袖的地位與讀者目光。研究採半結構式訪談法,對象篩選以不同崛起時間和平台使用為分類,共計訪談七位飲食評論工作者。研究發現飲食評論工作並非由個人獨立作業,亦仰賴其他存於情境中的資源共同完成。當代物質科技情境與社會情境,提供數位世代新加入的飲食評論工作者資訊科技和集體協作知能擴增的可能。飲食評論書寫從編輯室走向大眾,飲食文本發展亦趨多元。評論工作者藉由不同的飲食資本的累積與實踐,取得飲食文化場域中不同類別的讀者注意力與地位。本研究為飲食評論的概念和其專業內涵提供新的見解,提供給日後希望以飲食評論為業或對台灣飲食文化有興趣的飲食愛好者參考。 In the 1980s, coinciding with the economic growth in Taiwan, food columns and restaurant reviews could be found everywhere in newspapers and magazines. Elite food critics shared their points of view and guided the public on what to eat, how to eat and where to eat. The invention of blogs and social platforms in the 2000s changed the scene considerably. It enabled the public to share their love and own voice about food. Countless people have created blogs or accounts as vertical publishing of their dining experience. We have entered a new era where even ordinary foodies with no background in catering or training in journalism are still proactively providing their expertise in food. Some people have become opinion leaders, but not everyone has succeeded. Owing to this phenomenon, this thesis compares the competence of food critics between traditional and digital media era and explores the cultivation of taste and accumulation of culinary capital. The research adopts a semi-structured interview method, and the object selection is classified according to different rise time and platform use. A total of seven food critics were interviewed. This study found that the work of restaurant reviews is not only done by individuals, but relies on other resources that exist in the context. Contemporary technological and social context provide the possibility of expanding the competence of digital media era food critics. Food critics have moved from the editorial room to the public, and food texts has also become more diverse. Through the accumulation and practice of each culinary capital, critics have gained the attention and status of various types of readers in the field of food culture. This study provides new insights into the concept of restaurant reviews, food critics and their competence. |
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