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Title: | 社會安全網計畫下網絡協作過程與可能的影響因素:以臺北市社會福利服務中心社工人員為例 Multi-angency collaboration processes and possible influencing factors under the Social Safety Network Project: an example of social workers in Taipei City Social Welfare Service Centre |
Authors: | 黃于珊 Huang, Yu-Shan |
Contributors: | 林宜輝 Lin, Yei-Whei 黃于珊 Huang, Yu-Shan |
Keywords: | 社會安全網計畫 協作服務 社會工作員 社會福利服務中心 有利與阻礙因素 Social Safety Network Project Collaborative services Social workers Social welfare service centres Enabling and hindering factors |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:46:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 臺北市政府率先於2016年推出轄區內社會安全網計畫,而衛福部則在其後推動全國性的「強化社會安全網計畫」。這些計畫皆嘗試可透過對現有社會福利服務的改革,以打造一個更為綿密的社會安全網絡,並期待如此能更有效保障兒童與家庭的福利及安全。在社會安全網的福利體系中,各區域的社會福利中心便成十分重要的服務單位,它們被期待可服務比較困難、多元議題且具挑戰性的個案。政府尤其期待社會福利中心能以協作的方式,而與各服務專業建立更緊密、更積極的服務連結,以提供個案與家庭更有效且及時的服務介入。 本論文主要嘗試以臺北市社會福利服務中心的社工人員角度出發,探討究竟在何種個案條件下,中心社工會開啟協作服務。同時研究也要了解社工在協作過程中,所可能遭遇的有利或阻礙協作之因素。最後,論文亦邀請社工提供回顧協作後的自我反思。本研究採取質性訪談的方法,並採立意取樣方式,共選取六位在臺北社會福利中心從事直接服務的社工人員,分享其在社會安全網服務下所從事網絡協作的經驗。 本研究發現,社工在遇到特定類型個案時,較會與其他單位展開協作服務。其中包含有:具有自傷傷人之虞個案,社區滋擾個案,或存在多個議題需要被協助個案,乃至個案剛好落在各單位服務的三不管地帶(例如合併街友、非老非障礙及精神議題等)。至於在實際的協作過程中,受訪社工已表示案件本身太過困難,參與協作成員未形成一致的服務目標,以及協作成員間消極或防衛的態度,都會對協作會造成阻礙。反之,若協作成員可加深關係與信任、增進相互了解、並保持服務彈性與對服務的承諾,乃至可找到被網絡團隊信賴的關鍵人物,皆屬有利協作推動的因素。在社工有關協作的自我反思上,部份受訪者承認功能論有關協作的觀點外,也承認仍存在對現有協作是否已努力徵詢與解個案的實際需要的質疑。另受訪社工也反映仍存在社工協作能力養成,社工現有職務更合理安排與輪調,與召募中心社工時的職務內容可更加公開透明等議題。研究最後建議,網絡中各參與成員皆可成為協作的發起者,而非現在以社政為主的形式。另在未來協作服務上,也要保持成員更積極的承諾與彈性,如此才可減少彼此消極與壁壘分明的狀況。除外,如何更進一步增進社工個人的網絡協作知能,也會更有助於協作服務的推動。最為重要的是,本論文期盼政府在未來規劃改善社會安全網協作服務時,務必要傾聽一線社工的實務經驗與心聲。 The Taipei City Government was the first to launch a social safety network program in Taiwan in 2016. After that, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has launched a nationwide "Enhanced Social Safety Network Program. All these programs attempt to create a more seamless social safety net through reforming to existing social welfare services, with the expectation that this will better protect the welfare and safety of children and families. Within the social safety net, regional social welfare centres are designed as important service units to serve more difficult, multi-issue, and challenging cases. In particular, the government expects such welfare centres to work collaboratively with other service professions in order to provide more effective and timely service interventions to clients and families. In this thesis, I try to explore which specific cases would lead centre social workers in Taipei City undertake collaborative services. It also aims to understand the factors that may facilitate or hinder the collaboration efforts of social workers. Finally, the study also invited social workers to provide self-reflection on their collaboration engagements. Six frontline social workers of the Taipei Social Welfare Centres were recruited to share their experiences of service collaboration under the Social Safety Network Program. This study has found that social workers were more likely to collaborate with other welfare providers when they dealt with specific types of cases. These included cases of self-injury, community nuisance, those with multiple issues to be addressed, and the cases without entitlements to (e.g., the homeless, the cases of non-elderly, non-disabled but with mental issues). The interviewed social workers indicated that the case itself was too difficult, the lack of unanimous service goals among the collaborating members, and the negative or defensive attitude among the collaborating members in the actual collaboration process, would all hinder the progress of collaboration. On the contrary, if the collaborators can deepen the relationship and trust, improve mutual understanding, maintain flexibility and commitment to the service, and even find a key person who can be trusted by the network team, these are all factors that are conducive to collaboration. Regarding the self-reflection of social workers on collaboration efforts, some respondents acknowledged the viewpoint of functional theory on collaboration but also acknowledged that they still had doubts about whether the existing collaboration teams had made efforts to consult and solve the actual needs of the cases. The social workers interviewed also expressed that there are still pressing issues to be tackled, such as the development of social workers` collaboration skills, more reasonable arrangement and rotation of social workers` current duties, and more openness and transparency of the duties of social workers in the recruitment of centres. Finally, the study suggested that all team members could be the initiators of collaboration, instead of relying on social workers currently. It is also important to maintain the commitment and flexibility of the members in the future collaborative services, so as to reduce the barriers among them. Besides, how to further enhance the knowledge of social workers on collaboration will also be more helpful to the promotion of collaborative services. Most importantly, this paper hopes that the government will listen to the experiences and voices of frontline social workers when planning to improve the Social Safety Network services in the future. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會工作研究所 105264011 |
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