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Title: | 親屬共親職:女性單親親職挑戰的可能解方 Relatives as Co-parents: An Alternative for Female Solo Parent to Manage Everyday Parenting Challenges. |
Authors: | 柯俞均 Ko, Yu-Chun |
Contributors: | 楊佩榮 柯俞均 Ko, Yu-Chun |
Keywords: | 共親職 親屬 女性單親 Co-parenting Relatives Female single parenthood |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:46:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討女性單親家庭透過親屬的協助,以共親職的方式因應親職困境的歷程。從親屬參與共親職的契機到互動過程與轉折,延伸至挑戰與影響進行探討,並融入所處的文化及環境脈絡思考,從華人文化與社會變遷下討論女性單親家庭與親屬共同投入親職的課題。本研究採取個案研究法,選取女性單親、親屬以及子女的各方視角進行深度探討,依據本研究個案分析,研究結論如列: 一、親屬共親職的形成,受脈絡與情境促發,而重要關鍵在於雙方的親職信念所形成對共親職的共識,雙方的親職信念共識是面對與處理未來親職或家族挑戰的關鍵因素。 二、親屬共親職的樣貌為動態歷程,會依孩子的成展階段發展出不同的合作模式。 三、生態系統中,各層系統皆存在促成因素及挑戰因素,不斷影響親屬共親職運作。 最後,研究者依據本研究結果提出本研究的建議與限制。 The purpose of this study is to explore the process of a female single parent coping with parenting difficulties through co-parenting with relatives. The initiation of the co-parenting agreement, the interaction between the co-parent dyad, the way the co-parents coped with developmental changes of the child, and other challenges experienced by the co-parent dyad were discussed. This study also included ethnic Chinese family culture and societal change in the analyses and discussion. Using the case study method and in-depth interviews, this study found that: 1. The initiation of co-parenting was relevant to the contextual event that triggered the partnership between relatives. The co-parenting consensus formed by each party’s parenting beliefs was most important, as the parenting consensus of the co-parent dyad was the key factor for facing and dealing with parenting or family challenges. 2. Co-parenting with relatives was a dynamic process. Different cooperation models of co-parenting developed as the child developed through childhood and adolescence. 3. From the ecological perspective, each ecological system might either facilitate or pose challenges on the co-parent dyad, constantly affecting the co-parenting operation and function. Finally, recommendations and limitations of this study were discussed. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會工作研究所 105264004 |
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