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    Title: 探究臺灣Z世代的Instagram使用強度與社群媒體壓力源、社群媒體倦怠及線上主觀幸福感之關聯
    Examining the Relationships among Taiwanese Gen Zs` Instagram Use Intensity, Social Media Stressors, Social Media Fatigue, and Online Subjective Well-being
    Authors: 陳思凝
    Chen, Szu-Ning
    Contributors: 林芝璇
    Lin, Jhih-Syuan
    Chen, Szu-Ning
    Keywords: Z世代
    Gen Z
    Instagram use intensity
    information overload
    social overload
    social comparison
    social media fatigue
    online subjective well-being
    perceived platform intimacy
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:44:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,社群媒體倦怠的現象在國外學界受到關注,其過去相關研究探討社群媒體所隱藏的潛在負面刺激,如何可能導致使用者身心疲勞,進而中斷對平台的使用或引起更嚴重的心理問題,而近期研究結果更顯示,這般現象也開始出現在善用社群媒體的年輕使用者中,包含過去普遍認定較擅長運用新科技的Z世代使用者。本研究提出社群媒體使用強度與線上主觀幸福感受社群媒體壓力源與社群媒體倦怠所連續中介的研究架構,並 探討感知平台親密感的調節角色。本研究以問卷調查法進行,分析458份Z世代Instagram使用者樣本。研究結果顯示,高度投入社群媒體使用者雖能獲得較高程度的線上主觀幸福感,卻可能因資訊過載與社會比較所導致的社群媒體倦怠,進而降低線上主觀幸福感。除此之外,使用者的感知平台親密感會正向調節社群媒體使用強度與社會比較頻率之間的關係。本研究之發現不僅填補國內社群媒體倦怠領域之研究缺口,亦能幫助使用者察覺社群媒體可能造成的負面影響並使之更自覺掌握使用體驗,同時也有助於社群媒體平台與社群內容供應者更了解Z世代使用者的行為模式,並提供與規範性思考相關之洞察。
    Previous research has demonstrated that feelings of tiredness and fatigue can lead to discontinuous usage and even serious mental problems. Such phenomena have been observed among younger generations, such as Gen Z, who are commonly thought to have a better ability to handle social media and the Internet. In light of that, social media fatigue has garnered increasing scholarly attention in recent years. To understand the antecedents and consequences of social media fatigue, this study examined how social media use intensity relates to online subjective well-being and the mediating roles of social media stressors and social media fatigue. This study also explored the moderating role of perceived platform intimacy in the process. The survey method was employed to test the proposed research model. A total of 458 Gen Z Instagram users in Taiwan participated in this study. The findings revealed that users who were more engaged with Instagram tended to experience higher levels of online subjective well-being. However, Instagram use intensity could also diminish online subjective well-being through social media fatigue induced by information overload and social comparison. In addition, perceived platform intimacy moderated the relationship between Instagram use intensity and social comparison, indicating that users who perceive higher levels of platform intimacy on Instagram tend to engage in more frequent social comparisons on the platform. The findings of this study not only fill a gap in the research field regarding social media fatigue but also serve to caution users about the potential negative impacts of Instagram usage. Furthermore, they contribute to a better understanding of the behavioral patterns of Gen Z users for both social media service providers and content providers and shed light on the normative implications for improving Gen Z users’ online subjective well-being.
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