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Title: | 探究手機時代的時間管理: 活動理論與符擔性的視角 Investigating Time Management in the Age of Mobile Phones: A Perspective of Activity Theory and Affordance |
Authors: | 林鈺穎 Lin, Yu-Ying |
Contributors: | 鍾蔚文 Chung, Wei-Wen 林鈺穎 Lin, Yu-Ying |
Keywords: | 符擔性 活動理論 自我民族誌 社會時間 時間管理 Affordance Activity Theory Autoethnography Social Time Time Management |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:43:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究意在探尋手機與社會時間之關係。主流的時間研究向來視技術為社會時間變化的主導因素,卻鮮少關注技術與使用者及其使用脈絡的緊密關係。此外,手機作為重要技術之一,也普遍被視作造成社會時間焦慮的元兇。究其原因,是人們忽視了手機、使用者與情境的互動關係所致。 循此動機,本研究回顧了有關時間的定義並確認了時間的社會建構性。因而,手機對時間的影響,則可以從人們日常生活中與時間相關的行動和經驗中進行探究,本文將此行動稱之為時間管理。為進一步對時間管理進行討論,本研究結合了符擔性理論和活動理論的視角,主張將技術與使用者的互動過程放置於更大的活動脈絡中檢視。 經由分析,本研究總結了四種手機時代的時間管理方法,即時間共享、時間集置、時間多工化與時間即時化。研究發現,與手機相關的時間管理方法,是活動系統中的社群、規則、分工、工具、活動主體、目標六個要素共同交互的結果。與此同時,此一結果還會隨著某一要素的變化而變化,進而使得整體脈絡得以發展。正是在這樣的過程中,手機這一新技術的誕生才浮現出了與傳統不同的時間管理方法。因此,技術與社會時間之間,有著更為複雜的共變關係。社會時間中的活動主體在行動的過程中會創造和改變技術,而技術也會反過來對社會時間產生影響,進一步促進活動主體之行動。 This study aims to explore the relationship between mobile phones and social time. Mainstream time studies have typically regarded technology as the primary driver of changes in social time, but have often overlooked the close connection between technology, users, and usage contexts. Additionally, mobile phones, being a significant technology, are commonly seen as a leading source of social time anxiety. This is rooted in the fact that people disregard the interactive relationship among mobile phones, users, and contexts. Motivated by this, this study revisits time definitions and acknowledges the social construct of time. Consequently, the impact of mobile phones on time can be investigated through people`s daily actions and experiences related to time, referred to in this paper as "time management." To further discuss time management, this study integrates the perspectives of affordance and activity theory, advocating for examining the interaction process between technology and users within a broader activity context. Through analysis, this study outlines four time management approaches in the mobile phone era: time-sharing, time allocation, multitasking, and real-time synchronization of activities. The research findings indicate that mobile phone-related time management approaches result from the interaction of six elements within an activity system: community, rules, division of labor, tools, subjects, and goals. Meanwhile, this outcome evolves with changes in any of these elements, shaping the overall context. It`s within this process that novel time management approaches distinct from tradition emerge with the advent of mobile phone. Consequently, a more intricate covariant relationship exists between technology and social time. Activity subjects within social time, through their actions, create and modify technology, and technology, in turn, influences social time, further facilitating the actions of activity subjects. |
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