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    Title: 主管領導風格對工作滿意度和勞資關係影響之探討-以補教業為例
    A Study on the Impact of Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction and Labor-Management Relations-Taking Supplementary Education as an Example
    Authors: 林献桀
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Keywords: 領導風格
    Leadership style
    Labor relations
    Job satisfaction
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:38:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣重視教育的傳統文化造就了補習產業歷年來的興盛,而近年來受到少子化的日益嚴重,各補習班銷售的競爭更顯得較往年激烈,然而在實務上從事補習業的人員不但要投入大量時間於照顧輔導學生,也得花費心力去執行銷售規劃、挖掘新客戶、長時間持續與客戶維繫關係,同時亦必須接受企業施加的業績考核、參與定期的績效檢討,下班後還要處理一大堆家庭生活事務,處在如此高壓的環境中,如果這時補教企業沒有採取良好的領導方式幫助他們緩解這些工作壓力,甚至還發生同工不同酬等不公平的現象,使組織中勞資之間關係惡化,並滋生工作上的不滿意,這將一定導致大量的優秀人才流失,最後淪落至無法創造競爭力與提升組織績效的下場。

    Taiwan`s culture of emphasizing education has led to the prosperity of the tutoring industry over the years. In recent years, the declining birth rate has become increasingly serious, and the competition various tutoring centers has become more intense than in previous years. However, in practice, those engaged in the tutoring industry not only have to spend a lot of time taking care of and tutoring students, but also have to spend effort to implement sales planning, discover new customers, maintain relationships with customers for a long time, while at the same time must accept performance appraisals imposed by enterprises, participate in regular performance reviews, and deal with a lot of family life affairs after work. In such a high-pressure environment, if the enterprises of tutoring centers do not adopt a good leadership method to help them relieve these work pressures, as well as unfair treatment such as unequal pay for equal work, the relationship between labor and management in the organization will be deteriorated and beget job dissatisfaction. This will inevitably lead to the loss of excellent talents. In the end, it will end up being unable to create competitiveness and improve organizational performance.
    Therefore, in order to help the tutoring industry become better, this study will select the transformational leadership type to explore and analyze whether it can promote the atmosphere of labor relations and job satisfaction, by looking into the relationship among leadership style, labor relations, and job satisfaction. In this process, the method of questionnaire survey will be chosen, and target the employees of tutoring industry as the survey object, and finally use narrative analysis, reliability validity analysis, validity analysis, structural equation model analysis, and other methods to gain the following four conclusions:
    1.The transformational leadership style has a significant impact on employees` job satisfaction.
    2.The transformational leadership style has a significant impact on the atmosphere of labor-management relations.
    3.The atmosphere of labor-management relations does not have a significant impact on job satisfaction.
    4.The atmosphere of labor-management relations fails to have an intermediary relationship between transformational leadership styles and job satisfaction.
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