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    Title: 超越嚇阻與威逼-中國對臺武力恫嚇的內在邏輯
    Beyond Deterrence and Compellence: The Internal Logic of China’s Saber-rattling against Taiwan
    Authors: 于廣
    Yu, Kuang
    Contributors: 盧業中
    Yu, Kuang
    Keywords: 嚇阻
    Offensive Realism
    China`s Intimidation against Taiwan
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:30:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去大量文獻依循嚇阻(deterrence)與威逼(compellence)邏輯進行中共對臺武嚇的研究,然而囿於嚇阻與威逼對使用武力時機及對手行為的嚴謹定義,以及中共對嚇阻與威逼的認知與西方學界不盡相同,導致嚇阻與威逼難以完全呈現中共對臺武嚇的動機與目的。本文提淬嚇阻與威逼當中的恐懼(fear)概念,認為嚇阻與威逼是利用威脅製造他國恐懼,屬於心理學定義中的已知恐懼(fear of the known),而源於他國意圖不確定的恐懼屬於心理學定義的未知恐懼(fear of the unknown),可以超越嚇阻與威逼,成為國家對外軍事行為的另一種邏輯;米爾斯海默(John Mearsheimer)對未知恐懼有詳細研究,其認為國家因為無法確定他國意圖而對他國產生恐懼與猜忌,導致國家必須藉由追求權力最大化來降低恐懼,而一國追求權力的過程卻又會加深他國的恐懼並影響他國的行為。鑒於心理學認為恐懼之目的在於幫助人類避開危險,國家感受恐懼時也會為了安全而避免與他國衝突,因此,一國對外製造恐懼可以達成與嚇阻及威逼類似效果,迫使對手克制及讓步。而中共長期堅持武力是阻止臺獨的最後手段,卻因此限制武力的積極作用,難以利用武力「促統」,以及應對臺灣「維持現狀」;至習近平在2021年藉由提出「不得不採取斷然措施」開啟「以武逼統」討論,中共對臺武嚇邏輯轉變為藉由提升臺海緊張情勢製造臺美對中共意圖的恐懼,進而迫使臺美克制抗「中」行為。中共在2022年利用前美國眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)訪臺後,對臺進行高強度「環臺軍演」,即是利用恐懼的一次明顯實證。
    Most research of China intimidation against Taiwan has followed the logic of deterrence and compellence. However, due to the strict definitions of deterrence and compellence in terms of the timing of the use of force and the behaviors of the opponents, as well as the fact that the China`s perceptions of deterrence and compellence are not the same as those of the Western academia, it is difficult to interpret China`s motivation and purpose of its intimidation against Taiwan with the logic of either deterrence or compellence. This research extracted the concept of fear in deterrence and compellence, arguing that deterrence and compellence are the use of threats, and thus create fear in other states, which is psychologically-defined as “fear of the known”, while fear originating from the uncertainty of other states` intentions is defined as “fear of the unknown”, which can be an alternative logic to interpret a state’s use of force against other states.
    John Mearsheimer studied the fear of the unknown, and believes that a state`s inability to ascertain another state`s intentions creates fear and suspicion, which leads to the need for the state to pursue maximization of power in order to reduce fear, while the pursuit of power deepens the other state`s fear, thus influencing the behavior of the other state.
    When a state feels fear, it avoids conflict with other states to ensure its safety. Deterrence and compellence are “fear of the known”, which force the opponents to restrain and make concessions, while the inability to ascertain other state`s intention causes “fear of the unknown” , which has the same effect of forcing the opponent to restrain itself and making concessions.
    China has long insisted that force is the last resort to stop Taiwan`s independence. In other words, China would not use force unless Taiwan seeks independence, and it can not use force to “promote reunification”. In 2021, President Xi, however, stated that if Taiwan provoked and forced its way to independence, or even broke the red line, China would be forced to take decisive measures, and initiated the discussion of “forcing reunification by military”. After that, China has begun to escalate tensions in the Taiwan Strait in an attempt to raise fear among Taiwan and the U.S., forcing them to refrain from containment against China. In 2022, China used the former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi`s visit to Taiwan as an excuse to conduct military exercises around Taiwan. After that, Taiwan and the U.S seemed to tamp down their containment against China, which is a demonstration of the use of “fear of the unknown”.
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