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    题名: 韓國基督新教的性別角色刻板印象之型塑
    Gender Role Stereotypes of Korean Protestantism
    作者: 申相允
    Shin, Sang-Yun
    贡献者: 邱炫元
    Syuan-yuan Chiou
    Sang-Yun Shin
    关键词: 基要主義
    Protestant Church
    Korean Church
    Gender Conflict
    Gender role Stereotypes
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-09-01 15:29:20 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 摘要
    This study analyzes how Christians in Korea`s Protestant Church experience gender inequality and gender role stereotypes in their religious activities. Women constitute the majority of the Protestant churches in Korea and have contributed greatly to the development of the church through activities ranging from the early church to the present. However, the patriarchal culture and fundamentalism of the Korean Church legitimized gender discrimination. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the patriarchal culture and fundamentalist characteristics of Korean Protestant churches affect the Protestant experience and internalize gender discrimination in their respective religious activities and whether they practice gender equality. To this end, I conducted case studies and in-depth interviews with members of three Korean churches, including the Yeouido Full Gospel Church (The assemblies of the god of Korea) and the Methodist Church, which are representative denominations of Korean Protestantism. I also interviewed people by position, sex, and age in the church to compare perceptions and experiences of gender inequality. The results of this study are as follows. The researchers analyzed gender inequality in Protestant churches in Korea as `patriarchy` and `fundamentalism`. Anti-evolutionism based on fundamentalism, anti-Islam, anti-homosexuality, and justification of gender discrimination based on Biblical literalism, as well as patriarchal culture, gender division of labor, and authoritarian culture, are characteristics of the Korean Church.
    Korea In particular, women`s organizations in the church point out that generations have different views on patriarchy and gender inequality. The men`s group acknowledged most of the gender inequalities pointed out by the women`s group but considered them inevitable because of the nature of men and women. From the differences in thinking between male and female interviewees, we can see that the root cause of gender conflict is not the difference between the sexes, but the difference in the roles of men and women. In addition, the Korean churches investigated in this study exhibit fundamentalist characteristics. Specifically, Korean churches discriminate against women, oppose female priests, force women into auxiliary roles, prohibit abortion, and stereotype individuals as roles assigned by God from birth to men and women. Based on the above findings, this paper proposes an action plan for the Korean Church to address the problem of women`s oppression and exclusion due to gender inequality. I suggest continuous re-education of biblical interpretation and respect for life, establishment of women`s churches, and reorientation of traditional motherhood. On this basis, through the participation of the Korean Church in society, this paper hopes to discuss religious sociology so that the church can take the lead in resolving conflicts in society, including gender conflict.
    參考文獻: 參考文獻

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