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Title: | 高級中學智慧校園指標與權重體系建構之研究:模糊德懷術與層級分析法之應用 The Study on the Construction of Indicators and Weighting System for the Smart Campus of Senior High Schools: An Application of Fuzzy Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process |
Authors: | 陳冠霖 Chen, Guan-Lin |
Contributors: | 張奕華 Chang, I-Hua 陳冠霖 Chen, Guan-Lin |
Keywords: | 高級中學 智慧校園 模糊德懷術 層級分析法 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) senior high school smart campus Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:27:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 科技進展迅速,對於人才的需求更是迫在眉睫,各年齡層之智慧校園的發展乃勢在必行,本研究冀能找尋一套合適我國高級中學智慧校園指標及權重體系,予校長、師生於推動和發展校園時有所參照,並期能消弭各縣市智慧校園發展不均之情況,使學生於步入高等教育前,皆享有所需之知識及技能。 本研究先行匯集各國之文獻並分析,進而初擬高級中學智慧校園各細項指標,透過模糊德懷術專家諮詢小組,經歷三次問卷施測,逐步完成指標架構;藉由層級分析法,求出具體各層面指標間的關係及權重,確立我國高級中學智慧校園指標之權重體系。根據研究之結果與歸納,求得以下結論: 一、本研究所得之高級中學智慧校園指標與權重體系,共含6大層面及35項細項指標。 二、本研究所得之高級中學智慧校園6大層面,依其重要程度:「智慧教與學面向」(28.71%)、「智慧管理面向」(21.03%)、「智慧行政面向」(15.87%)、「智慧社群面向」(15.34%)、「智慧綠能面向」(13.06%)、「智慧保健面向」(5.99%)。 三、本研究所得之高級中學智慧校園35項細項指標 (一) 於「智慧教與學面向」,強調「提升教師教學數位化能力」(7.47%)。 (二) 於「智慧管理面向」,強調「建置完善校務管理系統」(7.96%)。 (三) 於「智慧行政面向」,強調「建置集合式行政體系」(3.62%)。 (四) 於「智慧社群面向」,強調「課程與測驗數位化」(3.60%)。 (五) 於「智慧綠能面向」,強調「建置智能電器遠端控制系統」(3.97%)。 (六) 於「智慧保健面向」,強調「提供防護性與個別化的健康服務」(1.89%) Rapid technological advancements have created an urgent demand for talents, particularly in the field of technology. The development of smart campuses for all age groups has become imperative. This research aims to construct indicators and weightimg system of the smart campuses of senior high schools in Taiwan. The findings will provide principals and teachers with a reference for promoting and developing their campuses. Additionally, it is also hoped to help bridge the development gap among different cities in terms of smart campuses, ensuring that students own the necessary knowledge and skills before entering higher education. This study begins by reviewing relevant literature from various countries then conduct analysis. Subsequently, a preliminary set of indicators for smart campuses in senior high schools is proposed. Through the expert consultation group of Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM), three rounds of questionnaires are administered, then establish the indicators framework. By employing the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the relationships and weightings among specific indicators at each level are determined, thereby establishing the weighting system for smart campuses in senior high schools in Taiwan. Based on the research results and conclusions drawn, the following findings have been obtained: 1.The indicators and weighting system of the smart campuses in senior high schools consist of 6 major dimensions and 35 indicators. 2.The 6 major dimensions of the smart campuses in senior high schools, ranked by their importance, are as follows: "Smart Teaching and Learning Dimension" (28.71%), "Smart Management Dimension" (21.03%), "Smart Administration Dimension" (15.87%), "Smart Community Dimension" (15.34%), "Smart Green Energy Dimension" (13.06%), and "Smart Healthcare Dimension" (5.99%). 3.The 35 indicators for the smart campuses in senior high schools obtained from this study are as follows. (1) In the "Smart Teaching and Learning Dimension," emphasis is placed on "Enhancing teachers` digital teaching capabilities" (7.47%). (2) In the "Smart Management Dimension," emphasis is placed on "Establishing a comprehensive school management system" (7.96%). (3) In the "Smart Administration Dimension," emphasis is placed on "Establishing a centralized administrative system" (3.62%). (4)In the "Smart Community Dimension," emphasis is placed on "Digitization of curriculum and assessments" (3.60%). (5)In the "Smart Green Energy Dimension," emphasis is placed on " Establishing a long-range control system smart appliances" (3.97%). (6)In the "Smart Healthcare Dimension," emphasis is placed on "Providing protective and individualized health services" (1.89%). |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育行政與政策研究所 109171009 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109171009 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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