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    政大機構典藏 > 資訊學院 > 資訊科學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/147036
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    Title: 呈現全方位動態作用力點之衝擊力回饋於控制器周圍
    Rendering Omnidirectional Impact Feedback with Dynamic Point of Application of Force All Round a Controller
    Authors: 陳弘憲
    Chen, Hong-Xian
    Contributors: 蔡欣叡
    Tsai, Hsin-Ruey
    Chen, Hong-Xian
    Keywords: 觸覺回饋
    Haptic feedback
    Point of application of force
    Force direction
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:25:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 衝擊力是一種在VR控制器上常見的觸覺回饋,例如使用武器或球拍來擊打物體。衝擊力在不同的情境中,會作用於不同的作用力點(PAFs)與不同的方向。舉例來說,使用不同形狀的武器,像是劍和十字鎬,或是以不同的方式來使用同一把武器,像是拿劍戳或砍,亦或是球拍和球在不同的方向擊中,這些都會造成作用點力與方向的不同。因此,為了達到真實的VR體驗,呈現動態作用力點與力方向是有必要的。


    我們實施了Just-Noticeable Difference Study研究,來瞭解使用者對於位置與方向的辨識能力,之後再進一步實施一項VR體驗研究,驗證 transPAF的動態作用力點與方向的回饋,提升了使用者的VR體驗,並展示一些transPAF的應用情境。
    Impact force is common haptic feedback on virtual reality (VR) controllers, such as hitting objects with weapons or rackets. It applies to different points of application of
    force (PAFs) and directions in varied scenarios. For example, using weapons with different shapes, e.g. a sword and a pickaxe, using a weapon in different ways, e.g.
    stabbing and slashing with a sword, or a ball flying and hitting a racket in different directions cause different PAFs and/or force directions. Although previous works have
    proposed the concept of dynamic PAF, the PAF is only in a limited space and without dynamic force direction. Therefore, we propose a controller, transPAF, to render
    omnidirectional impact feedback with dynamic PAF all round the controller for versatile VR scenarios. transPAF consists of a controller, a semicircular track, a linear track, and an impactor, which are all rotatable. The impactor can move to any position in a sphere, which means the whole 3D space all round the controller, and rotate in any direction. Therefore, dynamic PAF and force direction are achieved and independent to each other. We conducted a just-noticeable difference (JND) study to understand users’ distinguishability in position and direction, separately. A VR experience study was further performed to verify that feedback from transPAF with dynamic PAF and force direction enhances the VR experiences and demonstrates some applications for transPAF.
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