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Title: | 回到工作:工作復位與員工結果之雙中介模式檢驗 Back to the Work: A Test of the Dualistic Model of Job Reattachment and Employee Outcomes |
Authors: | 曾詠恬 Tseng, Yung-Yien |
Contributors: | 郭建志 曾詠恬 Tseng, Yung-Yien |
Keywords: | 建設性工作復位 破壞性工作復位 心理可用性 心理緊張感 人際導向組織公民行為 自我耗竭 constructive reattachment destructive reattachment psychological availability psychological strain OCBI ego-depletion |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:20:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Sonnentag和Kühnel於2016年提出了工作復位的概念,開啟對於工作者經歷非工作時段後再次與工作產生心理連結的討論。過去研究僅以單一向度探討工作復位所帶來的益處,卻不斷向未來研究者建議工作復位多向度的探討,本研究從工作復位之內涵切入討論,認為工作復位可能存在著建設性工作復位與破壞性工作復位兩向度,並以不同的心理歷程影響工作者一日之中的工作結果。而過去工作復位的研究著重於討論早晨工作復位對於工作者該日角色內工作行為或態度之影響,對於早晨工作復位是否影響該日角色外行為以及工作者該日的身心狀況則著墨較少,因而本研究建築於過去研究,延伸討論早晨建設性工作復位與破壞性工作復位是否分別透過提升該日心理可用性或心理緊張感,進而影響該日人際導向組織公民行為和自我耗竭。 本研究採用問卷調查法蒐集資料,以150位台灣企業工作年資滿半年之正職工作者為樣本,蒐集工作者為期5個工作日之重複性資料,早晨問卷有效資料共694筆;午間有效問卷共662筆;晚間問卷有效共658筆。本研究以Mplus 8.3進行分析,透過多層次結構方程模型檢驗本研究之假設是否成立。研究結果發現,早晨建設性工作復位正向影響該日心理可用性,而心理可用性對於該日人際導向組織公民行為之正向關聯顯著,對該日自我耗竭之負向影響卻不顯著,心理可用性在早晨建設性工作復位與人際導向組織公民行為、自我耗竭之間扮演之中介角色亦不顯著;另一方面,早晨破壞性工作復位對於該日心理緊張感之正向影響顯著,且該日心理緊張感中介早晨破壞性工作復位與人際導向組織公民行為、自我耗竭之關聯,效果達顯著。 Sonnentag and Kühnel proposed the concept of job reattachment, raising the discussion on employees’ mental reconnecting to work after a non-work period. Past research explored the benefits of job reattachment using a one-dimension measure of job reattachment, but they suggested future research should explore the possibility of multidimension of this concept. The current study focused on the connotation of job reattachment, finding out two dimensions of job reattachment: constructive reattachment and destructive reattachment. We proposed that two dimensions of job reattachment lead to different psychological processes and thus different employee outcomes. Previous studies focused on the impact of morning reattachment on in-role behaviors and attitudes within the day. However, little attention has been paid to whether morning reattachment affects the employees’ extra-role behavior and mental condition throughout the day. Therefore, this study extends the discussion by examing whether morning constructive reattachment and destructive reattachment affect OCBI and ego-depletion through psychological availability and psychological strain respectively. The current study used daily survey to collect 5-day data. Our sample includes 150 persons who completed 694 morning surveys, 662 afternoon surveys, and 658 evening surveys. The hypotheses were tested using a MSEM approach. The results indicated that morning constructive reattachment positively affects the psychological availability of the day, which, in turn, positively influences daily OCBI. Nevertheless, no significant impact on daily ego-depletion was observed, and the mediating role of psychological availability was not significant. On the other hand, the positive impact of morning destructive reattachment on daily psychological strain was significant, and the mediating role of psychological strain between morning destructive reattachment, daily OCBI and ego-depletion was also significant. |
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