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Title: | 面對改變的應變能力:員工敏捷與工作角色行為之關係與變動情境的調節角色 Agility in the Face of Change: Relationship Between Employee Agility and Work Role Behavior and the Moderating Role of Context Change. |
Authors: | 郭瑋如 Kuo, Wei-Ru |
Contributors: | 林姿葶 Lin, Tzu-Ting 郭瑋如 Kuo, Wei-Ru |
Keywords: | 員工敏捷 工作角色行為 知覺工作情境變動性 任務多樣性 Employee agility Work role behavior Perception of work contextual change Task variety |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:20:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 直至現在,COVID-19疫情等國際事件的影響仍未平息,身處高變動時代的工作者該如何因應成了重要課題,學者指出當環境處於動盪以及高不確定時,個體的「敏捷」程度成了重要的關鍵,然而過往研究對於工作者個人的敏捷能力知之甚少。故此,本研究執行三階段研究流程,藉此探尋個體在工作時,該具備何種能力才可以有效因應外在環境的變動。首先,研究一蒐集74名工作者提供之208筆有效關鍵事例實徵資料,藉此了解實務界工作者對於敏捷能力的看法。結果發現員工敏捷共可分為認知處理能力、目標執行能力,以及情感因應能力三大向度,本研究將員工敏捷定義為「工作者在面對變動時,可以有效率地進行認知處理、目標執行以及情感因應的整合能力」。在此結構下編寫初始題項後,本研究邀請40位心理學相關背景之學生針對18題題項進行強迫歸類,確立員工敏捷之架構與測量工具。接著,研究二以205名臺灣在職員工作為有效樣本,進行員工敏捷與效標變項檢驗,藉此驗證本研究所編製之工具具有良好信效度。最後,研究三透過分析307筆臺灣正職工作者兩階段網路問卷資料,檢驗員工敏捷與工作角色行為間之關聯性,以及知覺工作情境變動性、任務多樣性對其間關係的調節效果。結果驗證知覺工作情境變動性對於員工敏捷與工作角色行為之關聯具有正向調節效果,而任務多樣性對該關聯並未存在顯著的調節作用。整體而言,本研究彌補過往研究缺口,增加學界對於員工敏捷構念的瞭解,釐清員工敏捷概念架構,同時也編製更加合適的測量工具供未來學界使用,並透過量化資料蒐集驗證工作者具備員工敏捷能力所能帶來的優勢與助益,提供實務界欲增進員工表現時,作為人力資源管理之參考。 Until now, the effect of some international crises like the COVID-19 pandemic remains. How to cope with those unpredictable changes in this variate world becomes a severe issue. Previous research suggests that “agility” is vital to survive in a turbulent or high-uncertainty environment. However, there are still mysteries about employee agility and what it can do. Thus, this paper conducted three studies to develop a reliable and valid measurement of employee agility and test the possible outcomes of this ability. In study 1, this research analyzed 208 descriptions of employee agility from 74 current employees in Taiwan and revealed three underlying dimensions of employee agility: cognitive flexibility, goal execution, and emotional coping with a rigorous categorizing process. Therefore, employee agility is defined as “the integrated ability of cognitive flexibility, goal execution, and emotional coping of workers to effectively confront changes.” Then this research developed a measurement scale of employee agility based on the former result and tested the construct validity of the scale by sampling 40 undergraduate students. In study 2, this research performed exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to ensure the item and internal consistency of the employee agility scale, and analyzed the criterion effect of employee agility by using 205 employees in Taiwan. In study 3, this research invited 307 employees to conduct a two-staged online survey and explored the effect of employee agility. Results showed that the perception of work contextual change could positively moderate the relationship between employee agility and work role behavior. However, the moderating effect of task variety on the assumed relationship was insignificant. This result enhances our understanding of employee agility ability together with its possible effect. Organizations or enterprises can refer to the findings in this paper to enhance the effectiveness of human resource management to improve performance in the future. |
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