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Authors: | 楊小鳳 Laurel, Rottman-Yang |
Contributors: | 康庭瑜 Kang, Ting-Yu 楊小鳳 Laurel Rottman-Yang |
Keywords: | 台灣人 僑民 數字僑民 身份 僑民身份 民族身份 文化身份 國家身份 文化適應策略 微妙的台灣人特質 台灣 美國 Taiwanese Diaspora Digital Diaspora Identity Diasporic Identity Ethnic Identity Cultural Identity National Identity Acculturation Strategy Subtle Taiwanese Traits Taiwan United States |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:19:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 散居是一個複雜的概念,它總是在變化,有不同的定義和不同的視角。 本研究探討了海外僑民的最新概念和現象,以及在美國的臺灣僑民對數位僑民的身份形成——微妙的臺灣特質。 通過定性的文字分析,本研究為現有文獻提供並證明了臺灣確實具有一種靜態的,完全構成的身份,一種通過種族,文化和民族身份維度來表達,協商和構建的身份。 此外,它還將臺灣作為文化和人文研究的批判性分析對象。
臺灣僑民的身份認同包括三個維度:民族認同,文化認同和民族認同。 首先,民族認同是通過保存語言,歷史和新增臺灣高山族的興趣來構建的。 其次,文化認同是通過對食物,傳統和節日的熱愛來表達的。 最後,民族認同是基於成員表達對臺灣的自豪感和忠誠,以及臺灣人如何將自己與中國人的身份區分開來。 Diaspora is a complex concept that is always changing, has different definitions, and different perspectives. This study explores the newest notion and phenomenon of diaspora as well as identity formation among the Taiwanese diaspora in the United States on the digital diaspora Subtle Taiwanese Traits. Through qualitative textual analysis, this research contributes and proves to existing literature that Taiwan does have a static and fully constituted identity, one that is expressed, negotiated, and constructed through the dimensions of ethnic, cultural, and national identity. Additionally, it presents Taiwan as an object of critical analysis in cultural and humanistic study.
Taiwanese diasporic identity is composed of three dimensions: ethnic, cultural, and national identity. Firstly, ethnic identity is constructed through the preservation of language, history, and increased reception of interest for Taiwan’s indigenous people. Secondly, cultural identity is expressed through love of food, traditions, and holidays. Lastly, national identity is negotiated based on members articulating a sense of pride and loyalty for Taiwan as well as how Taiwanese differentiate themselves from the Chinese identity. |
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