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Title: | 綠建築效益對消費者購屋意願影響之研究―以臺北都會區為例 A study on the impact of green building benefits on consumer`s willingness to buy houses-taking Taipei Metropolitan Area as an example |
Authors: | 洪琨典 Hong, Kun-Dian |
Contributors: | 孫振義 Sun, Chen-Yi 洪琨典 Hong, Kun-Dian |
Keywords: | 綠建築效益 購屋意願 問卷調查 綠建築溢價 Green Building Benefits Willingness To Purchase Questionnaire Survey Green Building Premium |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:16:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過往推動綠建築發展多以容積獎勵之方式吸引建商興建綠建築,然而綠建築相較於非綠建築事實上具有許多效益,代銷業者亦會針對綠建築之優勢加強行銷,因此若以房屋市場角度而言,綠建築效益才是推動綠建築發展之關鍵,因此本研究嘗試透過問卷調查之方式,分析消費者對綠建築效益之購屋意願。
根據本研究之結果可釐清各綠建築效益對於消費者之重視程度,以及不同消費者族群所重視的綠建築效益亦有所不同,可供未來基於消費者角度擬定推動綠建築發展政策之參考。 In the past, the promotion of green building development has often relied on incentivizing developers with bulk award. However, green buildings offer numerous benefits compared to conventional buildings, and real estate agents also emphasize these advantages in their marketing strategies. From a housing market perspective, the key to driving green building development lies in the benefits they provide. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze consumers` willingness to purchase green buildings through a questionnaire survey, focusing on the perceived benefits of green buildings.
The study begins with a literature review to clarify the benefits of green buildings compared to conventional buildings, categorizing them into three dimensions: residential, economic, and environmental benefits. These dimensions serve as the basis for designing the questionnaire, drawing from consumer behavior, planned behavior theory, and incentive theory. Considering that the size of benefits and price levels can influence consumers` willingness to purchase green buildings, and there is existing evidence of green building premiums, the questionnaire incorporates various price scenarios and benefit situations to observe consumers` willingness to accept different green building benefits.
The results of the questionnaire analysis indicate that consumers value residential and economic benefits more than environmental benefits. Within the residential benefits, the importance to consumers is ranked as thermal comfort, reduced incidence of illness, ventilation, lighting, and sound insulation. In terms of economic benefits, saving on electricity costs, repair subsidies, and preferential loan rates have the most significant impact on consumers` decision-making.
Furthermore, through paired sample t-tests, it is confirmed that when the benefits of green buildings increase, there is a significant increase in consumers` willingness to purchase. Conversely, when the prices of green buildings increase, all benefits show a significant decline in consumers` willingness to purchase. Additionally, independent sample t-tests reveal that different consumer characteristics do influence their willingness to accept certain green building benefits. However, as the price of green buildings rises, the number of significant differences among the benefits diminishes, suggesting that excessive pricing may neutralize the impact of different consumer preferences, hindering the promotion of green buildings.
Based on the study`s results, the significance of various green building benefits to consumers and the variations in preferences among different consumer groups can be clarified. These findings can serve as valuable references for formulating green building development policies from a consumer-oriented perspective. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系 110257023 |
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