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    Title: 企業生命週期與客戶組成深耕之研究-以LED公司為例
    Authors: 廖宇宸
    Liao, Yu-Chen
    Contributors: 于卓民

    Liao, Yu-Chen
    Keywords: 客戶組成
    Customer portfolio
    Corporate life cycle
    Entrepreneurial stage
    Acceleration stage
    Maturity stage
    Rethinking and renewal stage
    Co-activation service
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:08:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: LED是台灣重要的半導體產業,除了現階段背光、照明、顯屏、車用、生物感測與辨識等應用外,對於未來第三代半導體關鍵零組件的自主發展與提升台灣半導體產業都有深遠的影響。本研究著眼於台灣LED產業所面臨的競爭環境,探討如何選擇適當的客戶組合來增強企業獲利能力。
    研究結果顯示個案公司依照其發展可以區分為四個階段: (1)創業階段;(2)加速階段;(3)成熟階段;(4)再生階段。個案公司在各生命週期隨著大環境與客戶組成差異採取不同深耕客戶方式與策略布局。分述如下:創業階段技術領先與策略聯盟;加速階段技術領先,企業定位與獨有協同開發商業服務模式;成熟階段與國際大廠交互授權與內部子公司整併,改善產能利用率及產品組成;再生階段組織改造,調整客戶組成布局高附加價值應用。
    根據研究發現,本研究建議個案公司改善目前客戶組成且加強策略客戶的管理,同時加強協同開發(co-activation service)商業模式增加本身在供應鏈的價值。集團內進行垂直整合發揮合併的綜效。除此之外,建議個案公司持續精進技術能力,拉開自己與競爭對手距離;同時優化良率與製程,持續降低成本,增加自身競爭優勢。
    LED industry plays an important role in Taiwan semiconductor industry not only because of the various applications such as BLU, lighting, display, automotive and bio-sensing but also for future compound semiconductor position in the world. The purpose of this study is to investigate how a company in Taiwan can improve its profitability by constructing appropriate customer portfolio in LED industry.
    This is a case study of a worldwide LED leading company. Through interviews with 10 industry veterans who have more than 5 years cooperation experience with the case company, including former and current senior executives and key customers, helps to understand the industry background and the development of the case company. In addition, Fernley’s life cycle and customer life value theories are carried out to examine the customers portfolio and deep cultivation in each stage.
    Based on the history of the case company, its development can be divided into four stages: (1) entrepreneurial stage; (2) acceleration stage; (3) maturity stage; and (4) rethinking and renewal stage. In each stage, the case company adopted different ways of deepening customers relationships and strategies by taking into account the competitive environment and its customer portfolio. The actions are: technological leading and strategic alliances at the entrepreneurial stage; technological leading, corporate positioning, and unique co-activation business model at the acceleration stage; cross-license with major international branding manufacturers and internal subsidiary mergers to improve capacity utilization and product portfolio at the maturity stage ; re-organization, adjusting customer portfolio and focusing on value-added applications at the rethinking and renewal stage.
    Based on the results, this study suggests that the case company should improve its current customer portfolio and meanwhile strengthen the co-activation business model to enhance its own value in the supply chain. Then, the company should do vertical integration within the group for the synergy of the merger. In addition, it is recommended that the case company continue to improve its technical capabilities to keep the competition from all the competitors. Besides, the company should optimize manufacturing process and improve the yield, continue to reduce cost structure, and increase its own competition.
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