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Title: | 公司成長策略探討─以M公司為例 Corporate development strategy: A case Study of the M Company |
Authors: | 辛盈慧 Hsin, Ying-Hui |
Contributors: | 王文杰 辛盈慧 Hsin, Ying-Hui |
Keywords: | 代際創新 綜合電商平台 資源基礎理論 五力分析 資源基礎理論 Inter-Generational Innovation On-line Shopping Resource-based Theory SWOT Porter Five Forces |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:03:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 一個企業從出生到死亡可能五年不到,亦可能成為歷久不衰的百年企業,這當中不僅僅是企業本身的意願、資源條件、創新能力,還有種種的外在環境、社會、經濟等因素會交互影響。企業成長的課題對經營者來說刻不容緩,而就是這些問題觸發本研究的動機。本研究以一家代際創新下的公司─M公司為研究對象,透過內外部資料分析,了解其面對成長時能運用的資源與面臨的內外部問題,最終為該公司制定成長策略,作為本研究的目的與貢獻。
本研究採用SWOT、五力分析等工具來分析M公司所處的內外部環境。依經濟部統計處資料顯示,以M公司所處的「電子購物及郵購業」在2020年的統計數字,對比公司創立時的2013年統計數字發現:「整體零售業」年營業額在這七年間的成長率為9.6%,而身為整體中的一塊─「電子購物及郵購業」的成長率則多達94.7%;而電商龍頭富邦媒體(MOMO)自2018年起每年皆呈現超20%以上的成長,亦是有利於M公司發展的外部因素。此外,台灣人的送禮文化是M公司經營自有品牌W品牌時,不可錯失的絕佳機會。最終依據基礎資源理論、策略構面,本研究從探索M公司本身的優勢能力出發,進而向外搭配機會產出一套成長策略,以兩大重點為M公司重新定位作為未來發展方向,冀望M公司成為「專業的電商通路的經銷商」、並以W品牌做到「企業贈禮服務的提供者」。 Factors determine the lifetime of an enterprise could be owner’s willingness, resources, ability of innovation, and other external factors, like social and economy environment. It initiated the motivation of this research that how a business owner cope with the essential issue- to grow and to maintain the lifetime of a company. This research worked with Company M that is transformed from a family-owned business by the new generation. And the purpose of this research is to plan a developing strategy for Company M by exploring internal resources, abilities and challenges in order to cope with opportunities that are analyzed after examining the external environment.
SWOT analysis and Porter Five Forces analysis were utilized to screen the company externally and internally. According to government statistic, from 2013 to 2020, the growth rate of sales amount of the “E-commerce and mailing retailing,” part of “General retailing,” was 94.7%; yet the growth rate of “General retailing” was only 9.6%. Besides, the biggest player in the On-line shopping sector, Fubon (MOMO), had reached a yearly growth rate over 20% every year since 2018. On the other hand, gift-giving was a popular practice in the Taiwan society, which provided an excellent opportunity for Company M to develop its own Brand W. Based on Resource-based theory, this research caught opportunities that fitted the company’s strength and resources and develop two new positions: “a well-performed distributor in the channel of on-line shopping”, and “a service provider of planning cooperate gift”. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 104932063 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104932063 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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